The Mk1 Golf Owners Club History 2020
Ultimate Dubs
2020 began as any new show season would do.
March opened up with Ultimate Dubs over the weekend of 7th & 8th March 2020 and the Mk1 Golf Owners Club were there as usual with a club stand.
For the 8th year in a row the Club took the trophy for 'Best Club' which we think is an amazing testament to all the hard work that the Team and Members put into the weekend.

And unfortunately, that's where the good news story ended. Covid-19 struck and the world became a very different place for a while.
Cars shows were cancelled due to their potential for being a location for spreading infection and people retreated behind garage doors to work on their cars, ordering parts on line and waiting out the pandemic.
People worked from home and took to walking more for exercise. Rush hour traffic was reduced while motorway signs displayed "Essential Travel Only" messages so it was a bit of a gamble to 'nip out for a drive' on a sunny day unless you had a good reason for doing so!!
What did become obvious was how much we all enjoyed socialising together - and missed it when we couldn't.
The Club was very aware that other car shows had their events cancelled and we hung out as long as we could before we took the decision that the Annual Gathering wouldn't be possible for that year. It's fair to say that everyone missed the event and 2021 would be even better.
So, with a bit of an anti-climax, it's the end of 2020 and we say 'roll on 2021' with the anticipation of better things to come!
See you soon.