The Mk1 Golf Owners Club History 2015
Dub Freeze - March 2015

Lhasasdreams won best in show

Ultimate Dubs
The 2015 show season opened for water cooled fans at Ultimate Dubs again on 13th March. The Club was once more present and took the award for Best Club Stand for the third year running!

Stanford Hall
A very wet Stanford Hall was next up on the calendar but there was a sweetener when the Club won the 'Tony Webb Trophy'.
Photo of Anna with the trophy and ariel pic here.
The regular drive to All Types took place over the weekend of 19-20th May and guess what? Yes, the club once again took Best Club Stand! In addition to the usual goings-on like car cleaning, brews, BBQ's a WEDDING took place right opposite the stand. An episode of "Don't Tell The Bride" was filmed for BBC 3 Series 9, episode 12/12 - Victoria & Adam if you wish to watch it. (BBC Three - Don't Tell the Bride, Series 9, Victoria & Adam)
The AGM was fast approaching and preparations were in hand by the well-practiced Committee Team. For the 5th and what was to be the last year we returned to Uttoxeter racecourse over the weekend of 10-12th July 2015.

Chairman - Matt Whiethead - Jellybelly
Treasurer - Graham Welch - Yomp
Secretary - Andy day - Hairyarse
Events Manager - Anna Bebbington - Cabrioanna
Membership - Dave Giles - Ginner
Website Manager - Adrian Daniels - Lhasadreams
Social Media Manager - Ansar Mahmood - Ans4r
Communication Manager - Simon Berry - 36thCrazyFist
Design Manager - Paul Owen (stood down), Joe90K took over 22/09/15
Merchandise Manager - Matt Norman -
Moderator Team Leader - Carl Chorley - Chortle
The Drive Out took people out to….

We were lucky to have the presence of top auto mechanic, drummer and all-round nice guy, Fuzz Townsend to present the Show & Shine trophies, sponsored by Carole Nash insurance.
Walter Ainsworth's rally prepped car attended for members interest.

Show and Shine Winners and Runners-Up
Best Standard Hatchback Winner - Dave Milligan

Best Standard Hatchback Runner Up - Name Required

Modified Hatchback Winner - John Hinchcliffe R8jon

Modified Hatchback Runner Up - Name Required
Standard Cabriolet Winner - Name required
Standard Cabriolet Runner Up - Dan Perkins - Dano

Modified Cabriolet Winner - Steve Pridgeon - Walt

Modified Cabriolet Runner Up - Matt Burrows - mbuzz390

Commercial Runner Up - Name Required
Best Interior Winner - Adrian Halford - 1100_tintop

Best Interior Runner Up - Richard Booth - Bluey12

Best Daily Driver Winner - Scott Russell - scottyr1

Best Daily Driver Runner Up - Gareth Withers - Rallye20v
Best Paint Winner - Barry Selwood - bazz999

Best Paint Runner Up - Ian Henderson - ihd

Best Engine Winner - Hugh Coffey - Shughy

Best Engine Runner Up - Dave Watson - Watson

Best Regional Display - East Midlands Dub Club - Regional Hosts are Mits Pancholi and Faisal Hamed

Peoples' Choice Award sponsored by Crazyquiffs.
Walter Ainsworth with the rally spec car as featured on Chanel 4's 'For The Love Of Cars' programme.

Following the weekend, a number of issues were raised and a departure from Uttoxeter was decided. Staying with a racecourse location the Club will move to Stratford Upon Avon Racecourse for 2016's gathering.
See you there!
Click here to be taken to the 2015 AG Photographs.