The Mk1 Golf Owners Club History 2019
Ultimate Dubs - March 2019
Back once again for show season opener.
Stand expertly arranged by Anna Bebbington.
"Rum Club" commenced - followed by a cheeky Nando's.
Some members fared better than others - one overdid the rum and fell asleep at the table!
During Sunday's awards the Club took Best Club Stand for the 7th year running.

Early Edition
Held on Sunday 12th May produced a glorious day out with some great cars on show.

Deva Dubs
Was held over the weekend of 7 - 9th June. Once again the Club took a trophy for Best Club Stand, along with individual owners winning some awards too.

Bristol Volksfest
14-16th June or should we shay Bristol Bogfest?
Wet and muddy was the order of the weekend with a few cars suffering blemishes on their paintwork afterwards.
Here's what you missed - Volksfest Mud!

Meanwhile in Northumberland…
Mighty Dub Fest
Alnwick Castle 14-16th June was lovely and dry and Greig Harvey secured an award with his Campaign.

Annual Gathering 2019

The 15th Annual Gathering of the Mk1 Golf Owners Club returned to Stratford-Upon-Avon racecourse over the weekend of 26 - 28th July. For the first time the gates were open by 9am on the Friday instead of 2pm to allow those wanting an even longer weekend to arrive early and pitch up.
Friday again saw the "Pitch & Party" routine. The weather was dry and breezy, but cool. Once the BBQs had been lit and tea eaten the Club House hosted the Karaoke and we saw a fair few songs murdered! There were some good singers too though - honest.
Chairman - Simon Berry - 36th CrazyFist
Treasurer - Neil Butler - unityneil
Secretary - Rajan Paymaster - Dubboy
Events Manager - Anna Bebbington - Cabrioanna
Membership - Rick Dale - Wmk1rickdale
Website Manager - Adrian Daniels - Lhasadreams
Social Media Manager - Ansar Mahmood - Ans4r
Design Manager - Dan Hinton - danj3000
Marketing Manager - Matt O'Leary - ratty23
Merchandise Manager - Anthony Musskett - Anton_cabrio
Moderator Team Leader - Mike Jacobs - Golf Cabrio
Club Historian - Dan Perkins - Dano
Saturday saw the usual AGM meeting and the Drivers Brief before the cars set out for *****
71 cars enjoyed the drive, 36 hatchbacks and 35 cabriolets.
Winners of the fancy dress competition
Children's - Evelyn Butler as a cloud

Adults - Dave Walker and Nick Lewis as Back To The Future

Member of the year
Mark Carter aka Funk-Star aka Sausage

Best Daily Driver
Tony Crowder - D994TVS

Top 3 Modified
Mick Mathers - OPO311S

Scott Russell - VKY359Y

Adrian Daniels - NDM464Y

Top 3 OEM+
Richard Stringer - AVS697N

Richy Hill - G118JYC

Alan Keepence - WJM754Y

Top 3 Standard
Graham Welch - LBD295V

Malcolm Rae - LTR141Y

Graham Welch - A832FVT

Best Commercial
Ian Amos - H15DSW

Best Engine - Walter Ainsworth Award
Joe Stamford - A358GNR

The Jeremy Hillock Award for Best GTI
Steve Price - A965WAV

Best Paint
Best Wheels
Sam Mitten - A269SYM

Best Interior
Richard Booth - A144HNF

Best Regional Display

Best In Show
Richard Stringer - AVS697N

Keith Keenan Award
Graham Welch - A832FVT

Peoples' Choice Award
The Peoples' Choice Award is sponsored by Crazyquiffs' Emporium. The colour of the winning car determines next years' theme.
Yellow is the colour for 2020.

You can find all the AG 2019 photos here.
Ireland tour 20-22nd September

The weather forecast was not good, however we had a dry Saturday, Sunday was wet but a good time was had by all.
Anna Bebbington won Best 90's car and Car of the Show.

Richard Ell won Best Modified.

Richard "Beany" Stringer won Best 1970's

NEC Classic Car Show
The NEC Classic Car Show was held over the weekend of 7 - 9th November 2019. The show signals the end for the majority of car shows for that year and attracts thousands of visitors. Once again, the club was lucky enough to secure a stand to display members' cars.
The event also provides an opportunity to purchase the newly released Club Calendar featuring selected cars from the past year and suitable Christmas presents for deserving people!!!

"See you next year"…………. Only we didn't due to Covid-19!