atothej's profile
atothej has posted in the following topics.
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600 to spend
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5,191 to give
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atothej has earned the following points through regular website use:
Activity | Amount | Total |
• Joining: | 1 × 40 pts | = 40 pts |
• Posts: | 125 × 5 pts | = 625 pts |
• Wiki+ posts: | 0 × 10 pts | = 0 pts |
• Voting in website polls: | 0 × 5 pts | = 0 pts |
• Rating content: | 3 × 5 pts | = 15 pts |
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atothej has given away 0 gift-points as follows:
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1,843 days agoCommented in the topic 'Aux belt replaement'
1,846 days agoCommented in the topic 'Aux belt replaement'
1,850 days agoCommented in the topic 'Aux belt replaement'
1,850 days agoCommented in the topic 'Aux belt replaement'
1,852 days agoCommented in the topic 'Aux belt replaement'
1,852 days agoAdded a topic, 'Aux belt replaement'
1,889 days agoCommented in the topic 'Back on the road! The Golf sees sunlight!'
1,909 days agoAdded a topic, 'Back on the road! The Golf sees sunlight!'
3,961 days agoAdded a topic, 'For Sale - old style seat belt catches'