2014 was a big year for The Mk1 Golf Owners Club – and the Mk1 Golf itself!
On 2nd March 1974 the first production models rolled off the assembly line at Wolfsburg, from there on history was made.
40 years on and in it’s 7th guise the Volkswagen Golf is as popular now as it was when it helped revolutionise family motoring. The press published a number of articles on the great car but that’s not the whole story, there is now a club devoted to the iconic hatchback and it’s variants – and it’s US – The International Mk1 Golf Owners’ Club!!!
2014 was OUR anniversary too!!! It was 10 years since Drew Wager changed the clubs’ name from ‘The Campaign Register’ to ‘The Volkswagen Mk1 Golf Owners Club’ and the club again grew beyond all expectations. What started as a small UK, forum based club was now established into a worldwide club. Our bet is that Drew didn’t imagine seeing 29,163 (11/7/14) registered users in those 10 years!!
Throughout 2014 the club attended the annual shows as usual…….
Ultimate Dubs
Over the weekend of 8-9th March 2014 the recognised ‘Show season Opener’ – Ultimate Dubs threw open it’s door at Telford International Centre again. For the first time people could view the cars on Saturday evening before the main show on the Sunday. Cabrioanna managed to secure a larger than usual stand and seeing as it was a special year she made extra effort and got some carpet layed on!! For the second year running the club took ‘Best Club Stand’, yet another trophy for the cabinet.
Sunday 18th May saw the club represented in England, Wales and Scotland at Dubs In The Park (Berkshire), All Types (Bodelwyddan, Wales), Stirling and District Classic Car Show at Bridge of Allan. (Scotland). The following week Ireland joined in at the Limerick show on 24th May.
Dubs In The Park
Stirling and District Classic Car Show at Bridge of Allan.
Deva Dubs and Rods show at Shrewsbury Showground gave us another Best Club win. After what was initially thought to be bad weather ahead, the day brightened up and the sun came out!
Shows continued throughout the warm summer BUT there was only one event to be seen at if you were into Mk1 Golf’s!!
This year is all about our 10th anniversary of the club being formed on 28th October 2004. Members of the club pushed the Annual Gathering so hard to make it bigger and better than previous years (a hard job to do!!). With over a 1000 Paid Members, we announced the lucky person who secured the 1000th membership and they now have a special title on the forum to keep as bragging rights!!! The accolade eventually went to Alec Millar aka AlecM.
After 6 years on the Committee the current Chairman, Dan Perkins, stood down to make way for Matt Whitehead aka Jellybelly to take over. The committee presented Dan with a hand painted picture of his car and the Number 2 Limited Edition club watch. Dan moved into the hall of ‘Lifetime Members’.
Committee Members
Chairman – Matt Whitehead - Jellybelly
Treasurer – Andy Shambrook – Shandyandy77
Secretary – Andy Day - Hairyarse
Events manager - Anna Bebbington - CabrioAnna
Membership - Dave Giles - Ginner
Website manager - Adrian Daniels - lhasadreams
Design manager – Paul Owen – dubgolf2010
Merchandise manager - Matt Whitehead - Jellybelly
Moderator team leader – Carl Chorley – Chortle
Social media manager – Simon Berry – 36thCrazyfist
Facebook manager – Ansar Mahmood – Ans4r
The usual activities were held, BBQ’s, Annual General Meeting – with special awards for those member’s who have contributed so much over the past 10 years, the Saturday Drive Out, fancy dress disco, show and shine and a raffle with excellent prizes donated by our discount partners.
The Drive Out broke all previous records with 122 cars arriving at the half way point – Curborough Sprint Course.
The evening fancy dress was entered into by lots of people but for some reason there seemed to be a lot of men dressed like ladies!! The Spice Girls reunited for a ‘one-off’ gig but weren’t content with one Ginger Spice so they had two!!!
Sumo wrestling was an addition this year and lots of folk had a go at that too.
Sunday morning began with a sunny start. Lots of cars arrived and everyone parked in the centre of the course. Frantic polishing and preparations were made before the Show and Shine judging began. The sun played nicely and it stayed dry all day (which is more than could be said for the sandy racecourse crossing!!).
At 3pm the raffle began and it seemed to take forever due to the generosity of the donating discount partners!!!
An auction for the Number 1 Limited Edition Club Watch was held next. Bidding began at £40, just under the retail price but things soon got lively when people tried to out-do each other! Dan Perkins kept things moving while Matt Whitehead provided a presentation of the quality timepiece to the crowd. Suddenly Dan’s phone rang and a person introducing himself as a ‘Sheik from Saudi Arabia’ began to bid. Warren Randle aka Gammygolfgti tried to scupper the Sheik by also ringing Dan to block the call but it was all in vein. The bidding went to £110 and the ‘Sheik’ won the watch. As the final details were being taken to ensure a swift payment was made, the ‘Sheik’ appeared in the crowd… rather disappointingly it wasn’t a real Sheik but Andrew Openshaw aka A5OPY!!! Andy handed over the money and walked away contented with this watch!!
Show and Shine presentations were made and photos were held in front of the new ‘Mk1 Golf Display Board’.
The winner and runners-up can be found of this thread here
The Peoples’ Choice Award, sponsored by Crazyquiffs Mk1 Golf Emporium (made by Neil) went to Adrian Halford aka 1100_tintop with his red hatchback BGD 780S.
As quickly as the weekend started it finished. Cars were packed up and they headed off in all directions to parts of the country, loaded with people with fresh memories of a great weekend when they made new friends, met old friends and laughed a lot.
See you next year at the Annual Gathering ’15!!
click here for the 2014 annual gathering photographs
On 2nd March 1974 the first production models rolled off the assembly line at Wolfsburg, from there on history was made.
40 years on and in it’s 7th guise the Volkswagen Golf is as popular now as it was when it helped revolutionise family motoring. The press published a number of articles on the great car but that’s not the whole story, there is now a club devoted to the iconic hatchback and it’s variants – and it’s US – The International Mk1 Golf Owners’ Club!!!
2014 was OUR anniversary too!!! It was 10 years since Drew Wager changed the clubs’ name from ‘The Campaign Register’ to ‘The Volkswagen Mk1 Golf Owners Club’ and the club again grew beyond all expectations. What started as a small UK, forum based club was now established into a worldwide club. Our bet is that Drew didn’t imagine seeing 29,163 (11/7/14) registered users in those 10 years!!
Throughout 2014 the club attended the annual shows as usual…….
Ultimate Dubs
Over the weekend of 8-9th March 2014 the recognised ‘Show season Opener’ – Ultimate Dubs threw open it’s door at Telford International Centre again. For the first time people could view the cars on Saturday evening before the main show on the Sunday. Cabrioanna managed to secure a larger than usual stand and seeing as it was a special year she made extra effort and got some carpet layed on!! For the second year running the club took ‘Best Club Stand’, yet another trophy for the cabinet.

Sunday 18th May saw the club represented in England, Wales and Scotland at Dubs In The Park (Berkshire), All Types (Bodelwyddan, Wales), Stirling and District Classic Car Show at Bridge of Allan. (Scotland). The following week Ireland joined in at the Limerick show on 24th May.
Dubs In The Park


Stirling and District Classic Car Show at Bridge of Allan.

Deva Dubs and Rods show at Shrewsbury Showground gave us another Best Club win. After what was initially thought to be bad weather ahead, the day brightened up and the sun came out!

Shows continued throughout the warm summer BUT there was only one event to be seen at if you were into Mk1 Golf’s!!
This year is all about our 10th anniversary of the club being formed on 28th October 2004. Members of the club pushed the Annual Gathering so hard to make it bigger and better than previous years (a hard job to do!!). With over a 1000 Paid Members, we announced the lucky person who secured the 1000th membership and they now have a special title on the forum to keep as bragging rights!!! The accolade eventually went to Alec Millar aka AlecM.
After 6 years on the Committee the current Chairman, Dan Perkins, stood down to make way for Matt Whitehead aka Jellybelly to take over. The committee presented Dan with a hand painted picture of his car and the Number 2 Limited Edition club watch. Dan moved into the hall of ‘Lifetime Members’.

Committee Members
Chairman – Matt Whitehead - Jellybelly
Treasurer – Andy Shambrook – Shandyandy77
Secretary – Andy Day - Hairyarse
Events manager - Anna Bebbington - CabrioAnna
Membership - Dave Giles - Ginner
Website manager - Adrian Daniels - lhasadreams
Design manager – Paul Owen – dubgolf2010
Merchandise manager - Matt Whitehead - Jellybelly
Moderator team leader – Carl Chorley – Chortle
Social media manager – Simon Berry – 36thCrazyfist
Facebook manager – Ansar Mahmood – Ans4r
The usual activities were held, BBQ’s, Annual General Meeting – with special awards for those member’s who have contributed so much over the past 10 years, the Saturday Drive Out, fancy dress disco, show and shine and a raffle with excellent prizes donated by our discount partners.
The Drive Out broke all previous records with 122 cars arriving at the half way point – Curborough Sprint Course.

The evening fancy dress was entered into by lots of people but for some reason there seemed to be a lot of men dressed like ladies!! The Spice Girls reunited for a ‘one-off’ gig but weren’t content with one Ginger Spice so they had two!!!
Sumo wrestling was an addition this year and lots of folk had a go at that too.

Sunday morning began with a sunny start. Lots of cars arrived and everyone parked in the centre of the course. Frantic polishing and preparations were made before the Show and Shine judging began. The sun played nicely and it stayed dry all day (which is more than could be said for the sandy racecourse crossing!!).
At 3pm the raffle began and it seemed to take forever due to the generosity of the donating discount partners!!!
An auction for the Number 1 Limited Edition Club Watch was held next. Bidding began at £40, just under the retail price but things soon got lively when people tried to out-do each other! Dan Perkins kept things moving while Matt Whitehead provided a presentation of the quality timepiece to the crowd. Suddenly Dan’s phone rang and a person introducing himself as a ‘Sheik from Saudi Arabia’ began to bid. Warren Randle aka Gammygolfgti tried to scupper the Sheik by also ringing Dan to block the call but it was all in vein. The bidding went to £110 and the ‘Sheik’ won the watch. As the final details were being taken to ensure a swift payment was made, the ‘Sheik’ appeared in the crowd… rather disappointingly it wasn’t a real Sheik but Andrew Openshaw aka A5OPY!!! Andy handed over the money and walked away contented with this watch!!

Show and Shine presentations were made and photos were held in front of the new ‘Mk1 Golf Display Board’.
The winner and runners-up can be found of this thread here
The Peoples’ Choice Award, sponsored by Crazyquiffs Mk1 Golf Emporium (made by Neil) went to Adrian Halford aka 1100_tintop with his red hatchback BGD 780S.

As quickly as the weekend started it finished. Cars were packed up and they headed off in all directions to parts of the country, loaded with people with fresh memories of a great weekend when they made new friends, met old friends and laughed a lot.
See you next year at the Annual Gathering ’15!!
click here for the 2014 annual gathering photographs
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