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grantg's profile


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grantg has posted in the following topics.

Current points:

65 to spend

Gift-points available:

5,184 to give

Points earned

grantg has earned the following points through regular website use:

Activity Amount Total
• Joining: 1 × 40 pts = 40 pts
• Posts: 4 × 5 pts = 20 pts
• Wiki+ posts: 0 × 10 pts = 0 pts
• Voting in website polls: 0 × 5 pts = 0 pts
• Rating content: 0 × 5 pts = 0 pts

In addition, grantg has received 5 points for all of the following:

Points received

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03 February 2018, 7:28 AM 5 The Mk1 Golf Owners Club grantg Content was liked by another user
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Points gifted

grantg has given away 0 gift-points as follows:

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