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Who's watching their weight this year?


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Who's watching their weight this year?

yeah let us know how you get on with the scales spud ill weigh on a saturday and let you know

Golf mk1 1.8 gti cab (Still Working on it)
Merc E220
25th Sept 2010 (6).jpg


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Nighthawk said

yeah let us know how you get on with the scales spud ill weigh on a saturday and let you know

Excellent stuff… lets see who is the mk1 OC "biggest loser" this week  :lol:


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Weighed in tonight.10st 9……………3 pounds since 1st Jan… happy with that

As soon as my cold clears up im in training for my bike ride,that should help


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Timmyturtle said

Weighed in tonight.10st 9……………3 pounds since 1st Jan… happy with that

As soon as my cold clears up im in training for my bike ride,that should help

Well done mate…. I had a stand off with the scale, got them in a headlock and made them submit to me being 2lbs lighter than last week BONZA!!!!!!!!  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen: …. anyone else?.


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yes I weighed myself today also!

Last week 15st7lbs

this week 15st 7lbs!

no change is better than going up!


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Lee_dub said

yes I weighed myself today also!

Last week 15st7lbs

this week 15st 7lbs!

no change is better than going up!

True that……… Spud awards you a "Must do better for next Tuesday" sticker  :wink: .  You're right though mate maintaining your weight is a step in the right direction  :wink:


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Well done us  :)


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Timmyturtle said

Well done us  :)

How are you finding it?  I'm surprised it aint that bad… makes me realise how much I was eating just through boredom or for the sake of it.  It's more expensive but healthier because I'm eating less prepacked food and eating more veg, fruit etc.

Next weeks target another 2lbs!!


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Because  ive been a bit poorly,i expected to lose a few pounds this week,coz im back working and moving about. Next week will be the telling one.

Today i received a free 7day gym pass,for the gym i was going to join anyway :-) Saves a weeks fees! No point starting till my cold have gone though


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Been to the gym for the first time in a month.. I remember now why leaving it that long isn't a good idea .. Damn you nice food!!!


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HAHAHAHA bad food tastes soooo good  :cry:

The gym isn't for me… I find it a bit too enclosed and intimate… I prefer jogging.. got a bit of a cough remaining from my cold but as soon as that's gone I'm off exercising too bud.  When you've been away from it it's hard work but you soon build up fitness again… weird because after a good work out you want to clean the house, clean the car, build a shed, build a castle…. but as soon as you have your dinner you want to kip lol  :mrgreen:


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It is good that endorphin rush after you exercise, I just get on the treadmill put on some d&b and run like a loon! … used to jog with a mate but I'd rather just put on some tunes and zone out. I didn't think I'd like the gym as it normally a haven for meatheads who like looking at themselves in the mirror, but It's actually alright..


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I got my weight loss wrong last week it was 1 and 3/4 lbs.  So…… tonight is the weekly weigh-in…. how did you get on?

With having a massive night on the beer on Friday and burger and chips… I thought I might have put it back on…. time for the weigh-in… drum roll please….

Lost another 1 3/4 lbs!!!!  So if my calculations are correct… 3 1/2lbs in two weeks…. I'm well chuffed!!  Keep going like this and I'll be trim for the wedding  :mrgreen: .  Cough has nearly gone too so should be out running again soon  :mrgreen:

How did everyone else get on?


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Iwatch my weight every time i look down all 14 and 1/2 stone and most of it round the middle, love my crisps chocolate etc too much to worry about it, no point being thin and miserable.


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Dropped 5 pound in 2 weeks, not had a drop of ale or any junk food, boring but worth it! Just booked 10 days in Spain for June! :D


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Another 3 pound this week :-) 10st 6 now.
Still not exercised as so busy at work,however i did load 1/2 a skip over the weekend
Im now back to my pre christmas weight

Well done everyone!


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Cracking stuff!!  Wonder if Lee_Dub has maintained or dropped  :dontknow:

I wouldn't say doing this is boring… I can still pig out but I don't munch for the sake of it any more and eat little and often so aint as pekkish as I was… finding it surprisingly easy  8) … 5 lbs in two weeks is wicked mate  :clap:


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Gym induction on wednesday, its a christmas present from the wife!

Obviously too fat for her  :|


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Spudfingers said

Cracking stuff!!  Wonder if Lee_Dub has maintained or dropped  :dontknow:

Don't worry lads im still here! I caught myslelf in the mirror earlier and I deffo look slimmer and I do feel abit slimmer too so in the morning we will see…

I did eat a pizza last night! altho I couldn't finish a 12 inch pizza that id normally put away with ease!


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so I weighed myself this morning….

15st 7lbs!


At least I know how much food I have to eat to maintain now, if I actually did any exercise id maybe loose weight!
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