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Who's watching their weight this year?


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Who's watching their weight this year?

I'm a Weight Management Advisor so if anyone needs any serious advice just ask.



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Tian said

I'm a Weight Management Advisor so if anyone needs any serious advice just ask.


 8) cheers T


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Tian said

I'm a Weight Management Advisor so if anyone needs any serious advice just ask.


Best exercise besides the tread mill to loose that excess non productive muscel on the body ????Plz

Diesel Possessed




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Tian said

I'm a Weight Management Advisor so if anyone needs any serious advice just ask.


Best excercise to get rid of Visceral fat aka the "derby" t?  :D


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Tian said

I'm a Weight Management Advisor so if anyone needs any serious advice just ask.


For you guys out there who have never met but always wondered what Tian looks like  8O  


Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Im also on this!  Im a massive yo-yo weight type of person

2004 - 15.0st
2005 - 15.5st
2006 - 16.0st
2007 - 13.2st
2008 - 15.0st
2009 - 16.5st
2010 - 15.7st
target for end of 2011 is 15.0st! (trying to wind the clock back 7 years!  :o )

EDIT = Im NEVER going back to 16.5st I felt sooo miserable back then  :cry:


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I'd say more like Apollo Creed.

T :lol:


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I think another reason for me falling off the wagon last year is that I quit smoking in september.

Apparently it's quite normal to gain a little weight when you do this?  :dontknow:

Thankfully i've kept off the bloody things and i'm back on the fitness wagon!  :D


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allana13 said

Tian said

I'm a Weight Management Advisor so if anyone needs any serious advice just ask.


Best exercise besides the tread mill to loose that excess non productive muscel on the body ????Plz

An excessive diet will force the body to break down muscle tissue as opposed to fat. This is a self preservation mechanism and not a good thing to do for many reasons.

Best way to loose weight is steady and slow. One pound of fat equates to roughly 3500Kcals. So if you reduce your Kcal intake by approx 250Kcal/day and do a little more 'moving about' like getting off the bus a stop early, taking the stairs instead of the lift, walking to get the newspaper at the weekends etc and therefore burn 250Kcals more every day, that's 1Lb lost right there.

Any kind of weight loss or indeed gain is all about a lifestyle change. Change the lifestyle and you change the man, that's why diets work short term but as soon as you stop, the weight naturally goes back on. You've simply reverted to the lifestyle that made you fat in the first place.

As for visceral fat, we all carry between 33-50% of our fat around our visceral organs, that is to say or heart, kidney, liver etc. There's no secret in spot reduction however so there's nothing we can do about that.

The main focus should be on kids. A fat child will always have a predisposition to being a fat adult. As we grow our bodies develop areas for fat storage. These are called liposites. As a fat adolescent you have more that ideal. Even if you manage to loose the 'puppy fat' these sites never disappear and fat will be easily stored there in the future making it easier for you to gain weight.

Interesting digestion fact: Much like flies who digest their food outside the body, we humans start digestion in the mouth with saliva which contains an enzyme called lingual lipase. This breaks down fatty acids predigesting them even before we swallow!

T 8O


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I watched an interesting programme last night which highlighted a few interesting facts regarding weight loss. But it addressed the associated problems with attempting to diet and eat healthily.. For example, if you eat a normal meal with a drink, the fluid from the drink very quickly drains from your stomach, allowing the hunger pangs to give you cravings to eat again.. However, eating a thick soup of the same calorific value, which is in effect a meal and a drink combined, helps keep it in your stomach for longer.. Another interesting fact was that a high calcium diet makes you excrete more fat than a none calcium diet based on two diets of the same calorific value.. The fat mollecules attach to the calcium mollecules and are excreted.. As a result, twice as much fat is passed through the body on a high calcium diet. So by drinking skimmed milk with your breakfast ceriel instead of full fat, not only reduces the fat intake, but also helps you excrete more fat too..

Exercise is the hardest thing to get into, because initially your energy burns up fast and your fat itself can get in the way of exercise.. However, understanding how the body uses and stores energy can help encourage you to continue.. The body obviously stores fat as energy, however it is not the fat that is used in exercise.. The muscles store energy in the form of carbohydrates and if I remember rightly, your body produces adenosine tri phosphates to store these carbs ready for use.. So.. When you train, you use up the carbs in the muscles.. The body then needs to replace this energy and it can do so by breaking down the fat. This process carries on after you finish training and even continues while you sleep.. After a month or two of regular exercise, not only will you have burnt up some of your fat reserves, but also your body will have produced more adenosine tri phosphates to hold more carbs in the muscles and as such allow you to work for longer before getting fatigued and use up even more fat in your rest time..

If you think back to cave men times, in winter, your body would be best to run on minimum and store energy.. However when the body is required to chase and hunt food, the body then adapts to hold more energy in the muscles for hunting and store less fat, so we have evolved this way.. Understand that and you should be able to get through those first couple of hard months with the confidence that you will see increased results which will reflect your had work.. So stick with it folks and good luck..  :)


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Thats some detail explanation.

Yes i agree eating healthy and a good balance of exercise is the only way. I have a target to loose 2 stones this year. Lets hop i do achieve it.

It did feel good last night after the exercise. :mrgreen:

Diesel Possessed




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That's some interesting reading lads!!!The human body is a complex beast  8O …. good to get an understand of how the processes work as I can see what will/wont work from that.


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Most of the above is broadly speaking spot on. The only thing I would contest is the Calcium rich diet stuff. Calcium is a mineral and as such a micro nutrient so for you to eat enough to make any difference in a balanced diet is impossible. Also the energy system employed by the body is ATP, how the body creates and re-creates it is what's key and it has a number of options depending on how long the exercise or physical activity lasts, taking it from anaerobic to aerobic.

Ultimately though exercise has pretty much nothing to do with weight loss as the vast majority of Kcals burnt during a day would be burnt by just staying in bed. If you want to shed the pounds don't be a slave to the gym, change your diet and lifestyle! Just try eating 2500Kcals of healthy food/day, it's not easy.

All interesting stuff though!

BTW I have a Fat Quiz I give to clients, I'll post it up when I get a chance. Just 20 questions to see what we really know about fat and how it's sold.

I'll go away now as this is bordering on work.

T :redfaced:


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Cheers T :wink:

PS: you look good in the sainsbury outfit  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

Diesel Possessed




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Not sure I agree with the excercise having nothing to do with weight loss as you never see fat marathon runners or boxers.. And as for supporting the calcium rich diet theory, it was on a programme last night and in fairness, they didn't say how much calcium had to be consumed, just that it was a calcium rich diet as opposed to a normal one.. Either way, I will be switching to skimmed milk and trying to be more active.. Weight loss has got to be a combination of healthy eating and exercise..

Another quirky human body nugget of information is that we don't produce adrenaline and insulin at the same time.. Because going back to cave man days, we were meant to run and hunt our prey, which would require adrenaline first of all to prepare us for the chase and battle.. Then immediately afterwards we would eat our catch and to make up for the insulin not created whilst in the adrenalin stage, your body releases more immediately after training which is why all the protein suppliments like whey protein etc advise you to take them within the 20 mins following training.. To make use of the natural insulin high.. I know insulin is the controlling factor in blood suger levels etc, however most creatine suppliments have a carrier which uses the insulin high to also get other amino accids into the blood stream..

I'm sure someone will be able to add or detract from this.. This is my understanding anyhow..


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Oh, and in support of the calcium rich diet theory.. The reason why it works is that the fat mollecules attach themselves to the calcium and if you think about it, other than these things being vital in milk for the feeding of growing young, it is also pretty convenient how they work together to be produced together so easilly by the body.. So I am a believer that by providing more calcium for the fat to attach to, I will excrete more fat than if it is free for my body to store it..


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I can point you to a couple of 'fat' marathon runners that I've trained personally, you don't have to be skinny to run a marathon, that's got to be a good thing surely!

As to exercise and weight loss I was speaking broadly so sorry if you misunderstood. What I was trying to say is that you don't have to become a slave to the gym or anything else to achieve a 'SMART' weight loss programme. And in saying that I'm actually putting myself out of business but it's the truth! Basically all I wanted to do was remove the myth surrounding weight loss and the barriers the media put up to prevent you achieving it.

To put it another way, fit and health don't always go hand in hand, it's all about degree and being 'fit for what?'

Anyway this is all off topic so back to the tread.

T :wink:


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Very true.. Sorry spudfingers..

Ok, so who else is fat?..  :dontknow:


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ME  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

Cheers for the info guys much appreciated

Just 1 more question
Is black coffee without sugar good for you weight & calorie wise
Of lately i have been having 3-4 cups a day

I have noticed its kills/ suppress my hunger

Diesel Possessed




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I may be universally hated for this but i need to go opposite way! Got my jaw broke at thai boxing just before xmas so havent been eating and look like ive just escaped Auchwitz  8O  8O
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