Project Dust 1.8 20vt
(In Topic #108090)
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Prodject Dust 1.8 20v t
My golfs house!

And this then with some leather

more to come got loads of pics but finding em will be the fun bit!
Last edit: by ebo
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster


Local Hero

1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si
1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si
Settled In

Aye this was a e28 m535 but scrap prices went up and the owner decided to strip it and despose of it!
I bought it when i was 16 (about five years ago lol) my plans for it are mixed so i struggel to see what to do with it! So far ive found a mk 2 leather and converted it to mk 1, sanded it all down primered it smoothed the swage lines down and boot lid ditched the bumpers remounted the indicators and got a idea for my plate! The origenal owner put a servo and gti brakes on it along with a rainbow cloth gti pair of front seats! he had it for 19 years before i managed to perswade him to part with it! He had 2 and though his other was the better un and didnt have time to fix my one!
My main goal at the moment is to paint it and get a mot! Had to remove the downpipe to weld the egr! all four manifold to downpipe bolts snapped so i have to get a new manifold and get the old one off! Its been a total night mare so far! All 5 visible manifold nuts have rounded and i've only managed to get 4 off so far i think im gonna have to cut the last one off its rusted away from a 13m to like a 9m! its the one under the arrow!


Got some steelies for the mot need a good paint but legal tread and the dont come out passed my arches like my mims!
I've got a mk2 1.8 8v gti engine gearbox, ecu, drive shafts etc but no tank or loom if i got that far i would go down the turbo road

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

Just though i'd add my daily driver incase any of you's are about livingston!
I know its french, the same color as a bogie, needing side trim and sporting sexy wheel trims! 3 stud's a pain in the fud to come across and im not spending the money to convert it to 4 stud. The trim and new trim clips there for it but its been too cold last set snapped before the clicked into the door it was freezing after all!
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

It started raining so i had to move the operation to the living room floor

The flash has reacted with the picture but i dont know how to get it off! (borrowed a digi camera) :roll: Im a bit picture happy if u hadint noticed partly cause im well dislexic! Lmao

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster


Local Hero

1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si
1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si

Local Hero


The car looks good cant wait to see it in paint and on the road
<a href="cars :: SP_A00802.jpg picture by jempeta - Photobucket"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Settled In

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

Gonna get them on and start my mims soon!
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

Am gonna get out tommorow an plonk the steelies on take some pictures of the car in the current state, weild the egr and get my mate up for painting it this month. Got to go to work will post some other odds n sods up later.
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

Brought my fan and couling back and gave it a clean up

Had to hacksaw my wheel cylinders off everything just rounded and dissapeared! got them off and kept my back plate in one piece need new bolts though! everythings going back on swimming in copper grease!
more pics to follow

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

things have moved on a fair bit i lost my storage for the mk1 owner had a falling out with his son who i was renting the space off of. got like next day notice to shift it or scrap it! thought i was going to have to part with it and thought na! so a week of late nights in the works yard and up for a mot and its now fully legal day'ly runner!
Chuffed like putting a big smile on my face been saying for years am going to ed38 so this year its happening! a couple of mates are going down in they're vr6s so i an feel the burn of the 4 speed allready!
want it nice for ed38 so have made a wee list prior to going!
AA membership
Gti Airdam
Single headlight gti grill
Rear carpet
M3 rear lights
Boss kit
got a suspension kit there am gonna wack on it when i get a chance so will post up more recint pics later!
ebo :twisted:
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster


Local Hero

Settled In

decided to take them off and give them a paint up cause they're starting to show they're age!

Im no too impressed with the lowering kit (springs shockies and uprated strut tops and bump stops) got the kit with gti 30mm springs on it. And decided to purchase a set of 80mm springs from a local shop. now a year later opened the box fitted them to the shockies and put them on the car its deffinetly lower but certinly not 80mm lol maybe 30mm non gti. so would hassard a guess that the gtis would be -20mm yet. bugger. lol feels nice to drive and its solid so moveing on!
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster


Local Hero

Settled In

mot'd & taxed my golf, the clio in the back ground and taxed my mk5 escort cab. spent a fair bit on different odds & sodds so founds are low atm!
anyone want a escort? 6 months t & t. fuelling prob private plate!
Will try for next year though

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

bought a new rad cause my old one kicked the bucket total nightmare ended up have to get a expansion tank and breather out a mk3 and a t piece and some other pipes out a vectra.

got a new grill to try and un clutter the front end

and to represent the club

got a half stripped mk2 hopfully

on the list is disk rear axel door handels gti wheel golf ball inside adjustable mirrors fuel pump big block mounts front brakes.
keep yous posted

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

After a quite a few pit starts (aka bump starts) i caved to political pressure from the wife and bought a newer more ''reliable'' daily runner a clio 172.

Which is going next year damn froggs. lol The plans a mk5 gt tdi as a replacement. But the wife didnt expect me to tear the back garden up and build a drive way to keep the mk1 8) pics to follow just watch this space had a clearout to make room in the shed to get some stuff organsed and done.

Looks bad but theres 8 years of stripped motors and 12+ stuff from the shed. todays progress finished looking like this.

This was the furthest my golf made it layby 100 just down from spean bridge was heading up to pick the wife up fae kingausse. Had a leaky petrol tank so thought might as well use the fuel. It made it and gave me loads of confidence. Decided i was gonna risk it down to edition 38 but on the morning it never made it out the street. lmao typical eh? SOOOO rented a 58 plate polo instead and road tripped it.
A few pics of my 3 fav germans mk1,my brothers jetta gti 16v and my worx sprinter. Due to it lying about my brother robbed the leather out it for his jetta. But i have a set of adjustable buckets lying about to go in instead.

Stumbeled accross thease in a breakers and managed to get them for the princley some of £170 they're image split fronts are 17''-9'' Rears are 18''-13'' wide

we'll got alot of stuff up missed alot but will get more up soon

1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

Settled In

If i can get that in and working im gonna move up to a 1.8t funds permitting. I think im going to keep the car track orintated with maybe the odd weekend road /show use.
For the conversion im planning to use,
mk2 golf 16v loom, ecu.
short block 16v engine, starter, alternator, radiator.
1.8 8v box, clutch, fly wheel, driveshafts into standard hubs.
new gti steering rack.
a 4 branch conversion manifold and a 2-1/4 exhaust.
Afterwards im looking at a 16v m/c and servo i have a set of front vauxhall disks an pads and flexis. I would like some mk2 carriers and mk4 calipers etc. not too worried about this as it atm will be a while before the cars used again the main focus will be fitting the engine.
Im gonna have to souce most of these parts but i think i have a 8v engine, box, an driveshafts out the back which im planning on using.
its a 1300 at the moment so im gonna have to move the drivers engine mount, sort out fueling and ignition. I have a mk2 fuel pump but im not sure if i can use it with the carb tank or get hold of a gti tank and pump. Can anyone shed light on that?
The driveways not finished yet but am hopeing to have it finished by next thursday allowing me to get the mk1 in and stripped for the prep work to begin.
1.3 Driver - 1.8t in progress
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster
Daily driver : e36 325 tdi se / slammed on konis and bbs rco401's
Daily offroader : discovery 1 6" lift monster

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