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R/H/Side Direct Action Servo Conversion


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R/H/Side Direct Action Servo Conversion

So why come on the forum and tell us all about the mod if you aren't prepared to discuss it. That is what a forum is for!

People only want to discuss the information you profess to have. Some people may not want to perform the upgrade because they are happy with what they already have, some may have already carried out other mods etc…

You should have waited until you were ready to reveal all, then come on here and shown us. You have done yourself no favours in the way you have handled the situation.

Megasquirted 1981 Silver 1600 GTI Daily Driver

Still Restoring...


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And woZa so what my spelling is crap is that the best you can do? this all starts with one of you now your all doin it was up wiv ya? just let it go and who are you to speak for every one? no one if you want it like that not as far as im concerned dont start jumpin on the band wagon please your like a little idiot the kind that goes out has 3 stella`s a puff of skipbar and goes and gets involved in a situation that does him no favours and you dont even know why??? some things are best left alone for one reason or another,and if you make me feel that unwelcome that ive no choice to exit remember this, what ive done and what im doing wont change cos i know all i needed from yous! and that was simply to see if there was a market before i started production in the uk!


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OK "golfgod"... Just trying to offer some advice. Good luck with your sales.

Megasquirted 1981 Silver 1600 GTI Daily Driver

Still Restoring...


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The mr pauls

Ok people i freely admit i made a few errors on entry but all of you please take this into account, I say to everyone hi im new, here ya go ive done this and intend for you to do that, then i get 1 bogus pic from a man named paul sayin something really silly as was pointed out by several sensible members (thanks) ???? then another man named paul thinks he knows more about my design than i do and he aint even looked at it! then some of you rush to his defence and try and bully me off the site by trying to make me look a fool?? then not happy with the turn of events after my pic goes up mr paul 2nd also sends me a pic that made no sense to me as its a l/h/d aint it??? That aint fair as you put it is it?? and paul you know which one yes you dooo! i got to say now iam actually glad i turned your brain upside down you have been ''a orrible little alf garnet'' and as you slated me with no grounds im gona take this bold step and announce on here that you Mr wanna be stiles dont actually know what the daffy duck your talkin about not with tuning, fueling,brakes,electrics or any other part of the mk1 golf that is the truth and i really would say it to your face mate, You jumped up little geeky anorak, you steer people the wrong way cos your where i was 15 year ago still scratching me head tryin to figure it all out and like you i thought i knew all there was to know thing is i grew up realised i diddnt know a thing it was just a dream so i got educated and changed all that, what have you ever done worth getting exited about? and after what youve put up dont even bother.


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Nice to see the forum is as friendly as ever!!!

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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How rude !!




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Ok golfgod, simple question: What engineering qualifications do you have?



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I feel like there should be a drum roll here before the qualifications arrive……..

GolfGod, I don't understand what you're talking about.

I don't understand most of what's been talked about from a technical perspective in this thread but the only people offering explanations have been Paul_C and M7R. Both of whom's replies have made quite a lot of sense.

Surely you can see that whatever it is that you're doing can only benefit and improve as a result of reasonable questioning? That's how things get better and surely the only way you came up with whatever you've come up with was by reasonably questioning the standard setup. Why fly off the handle every time someone wants you to explain yourself a little bit more?

You've made several statements indicating that you believe that you're several steps ahead of the rest but seem to have nothing to back that up with which is why it's gone down like a lead balloon on here…. Quite rightly so in my opinion.


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tbh im bored of all the bold cliams, and you will see in time, etc etc if you aren't willing to show any proper pics/give any proper info etc then I couldn't care less, you come on here claiming to have an end to all brake woes, but show us one dodgy pic and then keep saying search for more…then admit they arent there as you dont want to give the secret away.

and also who is the second Paul?!?!?!?!?!?!  :lol:

Daily - 05 plate B6 A4 Avant S Line, with 19s for the summer.. wifes car - Rare Seat Exeo ST Sport 170 Tech
Weekend - MK2 20vt monster - Plus a mk1 caddy I am fixing for my bro


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Goflgod this is a forum to discuss and share modifications not to shout loudly and relentlessly that you are the braking daddio, boast about how long you've been in the modding scene and instantly slag anyone off who questions your endless gobshite

And you wonder other users are being hostile to you?

Put up some proper pics to shut us all up and then sod off to the maxpower forums mate


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i dont like it :roll:

Inaris silver series 1. APX 1.8T REVO software, hybrid O2J/O2S 6 speed, peloquin diff, cabrio drives, toyota pas, 7.5x16 5X100 compomotive mo flatspokes, G60 ABS, 305 brembos octy vrs rears, coilovers and arb's by H&R


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Never understood why people take the rain gutter away ?




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Here was mt attempt at this :




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lhasadreams said

Here was mt attempt at this :

I nearly fell for that…….. :banghead:

(Boraboy on most other forums)

Cabrio GTI  Now in Lhasa Green with running 1.8T AJQ on OEM management.
Coming to bits again for more mods after reading to much on here…
Oh yeah, and a Golf V GT TDi


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well this thread has cost me ?10 in popcorn and coke so far please put everyone out of there misery and show us the goods

oh and as this is a im better than you thread how about

my willy is bigger than yours!!!! do i win :mrgreen:


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ha ha ha great reading this has had me in stitches
been a mechanic i have drivin loads of cars from tuned to the bollox rx7's and porkas to 1.1 fiesta's and paul is right a correctley set up mk1 brake system is by far better than in any other cars i have drove.
you get really responsive brakes and a good feel through the pedal most cars are pretty spongy.
and as for abs i like to be in control not the car lol

keep on dubbing


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More picxs

Considering its a dry build and the next version looks alrite and is its precise and not pissed like most others i dont see wat yor point is? why not put the other pics up show the gearchange and dash? why not show the o2a rear mount? if thats all you can find try goin back to photobucket and this time try VWTOPWERKZ if that dont give the rest of the pics well i tried! and if you do get to see the dash dont even think about pickin holes in a bit of sensible protective tape over the edges! cos thats about the best you can do!


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The reason no-one has posted the other pics is because they aren't relevant to this thread. Pics of 02a mounts and a dash conversion don't have anything to do with the abs direct action servo conversion…

Megasquirted 1981 Silver 1600 GTI Daily Driver

Still Restoring...


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My valuable input is..

I'm sure my friend who works doing ABS production and testing for Bentley Motors would love to read this thread  :lol:

Golf MK3 GTi 16v - the 'diva'
Adopted Golf MK1 GTi 8v - see Karl :P
Mk2 Scirocco GTII - work in progress!


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lhasadreams said

Here was mt attempt at this :

lol heres mine!!!!!!!!!!!

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