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DX to ABF conversion wiring


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DX to ABF conversion wiring

blue black pin 38 runs to a junction which tails off 3 places, one to d2 one into engine bay and final to d1


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d/1 is oil pressure switch so that could explain it. d/1 should run to the round plug pin 28. D/2 is ign live feed

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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the junction is a factory join, what do I need to do? cut pin 38 and run it directly to d2?


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cut the splice you made to it from d/1, leave the rest of the wires intact

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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right ok, one black and blue from junction to round engine plug (oil)

one thicker black blue from junction goes to gear selector?

then pin 38 to d2,

then a black blue from junction going to d1 but connected no where else


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d/1 goes to oil pressure (pin 28 on round plug)

d/2 feeds ecu pin 38 plus possibly the isv (pin 1 on engine round plug) if it also goes to a 2 pin plug on the gearbox thats the reverse switch power pin

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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scrap that, the thick black and is not going to reverse switch, its going to round engine plug as well and the oil


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have you got a pin layout for round plug?


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yep pin one and pin 28


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still not starting after separating the mixed up wires


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right its started for a couple seconds then cuts out, but its more like fuel or the lack of, or is that what the immob would do?


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That sounds a bit like what mine did with the immobiliser! 

I'll try and pop up this evening if I can with the laptop, might be difficult though. 


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right its all running now, I went and got the key I had with the Ibiza, although its just plastic non remote key it obviously has a chip embedded in it, taped it up to halo, wham bam thankyou mam, fired up!

the temp gauge is off the scale, and don't have any other lights illuminated, not sure what should or shouldn't be though?


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see my sig, g3abfecu.pdf its all in there :)

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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The coolant wire (yellow red)from round engine plug is going to correct pin d29 on fuseboard, the light is still flashing and needle off the gauge, would a dodgy temp sender do that?

also alt exciter  wire c2 is going to my alt, but no battery light still? edit… sorted

Last edit: by crezz


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also brake warning switch, grey wire b1 I don't have one? is there an alternative to use for handbrake switch?


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off the gauge means short to ground, check the sensor is ok on the head, also disconnect it and see if the gauge stays in the cold. if it shoots to full still you have a short in the wiring or maybe the control relay (unplug it)

for handbrake it may not go to b/1, instead handbrake switch runs direct to the wire from the warning light/fluid level switch

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Sorted the hand brake light now, I don't have relay 43 wired in, as my header never had a sensor for low fluid. Il try pulling the sensor out.

The only other thing now is lambda, I need to crimp it together too the plug. Out of interest what colour wire does what? Cheers


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see g3abfecu.pdf, that shows plug pins and lambda colours :)

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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