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Drugs are bad.


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Drugs are bad.

I'm not being fussy, I simply didn't understand you. Is it true that cannabis makes you paranoid?



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Ok your a little slow.

Im sure quite a few people on here could read that and understand it.



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This forum is good but at the same time i happen to get a little irritated by people being so fussy about silly things.

your not highline from cgti are you ?? he also irritated me :mrgreen:


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bens_cab said

fulltiimejunglist said

This forum is good but at the same time i happen to get a little irritated by people being so fussy about silly things.

your not highline from cgti are you ?? he also irritated me :mrgreen:

I just ignore him nowadays. Otherwise he will try to bring you down to his own level of stupidity; then beat you on experience.



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:lol: indeed seems to know his STUFF :mrgreen:


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fulltiimejunglist said

Tazzing is quite obvious.

Taz - Drive

was not obvious to me. i could toz an educated guess and likely be right, but it was not obvious, so i figured i'd educate myself a tiz more and grabbed the dictionary and the thesaurus. it's not in there.


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paul_c said

I'm not being fussy, I simply didn't understand you. Is it true that cannabis makes you paranoid?

Apparently, that's not only what studdies have shown but what people who work with long term canibis users will tell you.  It's not a blanket rule but for people with paranoid tendancies, it can bring them to the forfont or make them worse.


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"was not obvious to me. i could toz an educated guess and likely be right, but it was not obvious, so i figured i'd educate myself a tiz more and grabbed the dictionary and the thesaurus. it's not in there."

I understood that.

So im sure your not 5 years old and blind.


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So bored now!!!!!

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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collo16v said

So bored now!!!!!



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phatVR6 said

collo16v said

So bored now!!!!!


Because it keeps flagging up sodding emails at work!! :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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Thanks, from the VW Golf Mk1 Owners' Club.



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Dano said

phatVR6 said

What makes you think pot heads turn to crime?   Canabis isn't aditive atall and you will find that the people braking into cars are the crack/ smack heads.  

I donno where you get that idea from? A stoned lad would be way to para to even think about robbing somone and at the end of the day they couldn't be arsed to even go and mess around trying to steel for money

COKE is the new problem and is becoming very popular.  I my self always thougth that it was bulla that pot would lead to other things but IT DOES… Not saying that everyone who smokes pot will end up been a coke head but out of say 25-30 i know around 15-20 of them have ended up taking coke

Potheads arent high all the time are they? When they arent there's a good chance that they'll want to be!!!! Its then that the problens start.

To answer your question…. having dealt with 100's of kids who come through the custody doors having started doing weed, found they like it and want more, only to find they can't afford it. So where do they get their money from to fund it? Crime. Whether that be from shop lifting, breaking into cars, burglary or muggings they want to get stoned again and will start to look for ways to achieve that.

I'm not saying that your average Joe Public is gonna mug the next granny to walk down the road but even potheads want to get high and some will go to dangerous lengths to achieve that.

Personally I DON'T have a problem with a group of folk sitting on a camp site chatting and skinning up, whats the harm in that? Its the other effects that are associated with the whole 'industry' that I have a problem with.

Yes, alcohol causes more violent problems and long term health issues etc but I'd bet my bottom dollar that the coke/ crack/ heroin users started on weed at some point as their first drug. (or alcohol in the park)

20 years of experience tells me that certain weed users DO cause crime and the idea comes from the charge sheets and their court appearances thereafter.

Im sorry dude your so wrong.  

Pehaps your talking about kids that get money from steeling in the first place and also just happen to smoke pot aswell!  So they steel for money and end up spending it on pot.

I myself smoked strong skunk for 7-8 years every day of my life when I had the money.   Ive just come to the end of contract of my job and found another job which only gives me 2 days a week (good job but just a fill in)

Anyway since then I havn't brought any bud atall as the money goes on my car.  

So at the moment I don't smoke it full stop 7 years daily… to never…  Now this hasn't been hard for me atall and I can tell u for sure that NEVER have I considered going and nutting a granny for money or steeling…..

So i get the feeling your talking about general scum steeling for money as they would anyway

Also may I just add that if canabis wasn't around atall all the drug uses would still be around.  Its just the fact that they will start on more dangerous drugs in the first place


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someone want to sum up the last 22 pages before i comment/


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Laura said

someone want to sum up the last 22 pages before i comment/

yes basically look at me I can do this and I ,ve done that,are'nt I clever
there save you trawling through 20+ pages of mind numbing drivel :roll:

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 


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If you think drugs are bad you will always have the moral high ground and rightly so, as its illegal, however there are a few of us that feel that drugs or cannabis issue is not really at the bottom of the hill,  more on a gentle slope about half way. And with all things considered we currently consume vast quantities of other drugs (alcohol) which has an equal or more devastating impact on society.  

Oh and I?m weak and should be in a ghetto with big walls around it and without any limbs :D

Collo16v have you stop subscribing to this thread yet lol :D


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emm said

If you think drugs are bad you will always have the moral high ground and rightly so, as its illegal, however there are a few of us that feel that drugs or cannabis issue is not really at the bottom of the hill,  more on a gentle slope about half way. And with all things considered we currently consume vast quantities of other drugs (alcohol) which has an equal or more devastating impact on society.  

Oh and I?m weak and should be in a ghetto with big walls around it and without any limbs :D

Collo16v have you stop subscribing to this thread yet lol :D

Well said, I am also weak and need to be locked in the ghetto for the greater good. I am also a VERY nasty bad person lol

I wouldn't lissen to any of Collo16v comments as they tend to be nothink todo with the subject… She seems very "special" to me


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ok so im new round here ( well im not but ive only made like 10 posts in the last few years)

may as well start as i mean to go on, im very opinionated and blunt, sorry i cant help it lol


i dont think you can have any opinion on anything really untill youve been there and done it (people always french cars are crap and yet they have never owned one, ive had several and love them all)
not trying something becuase and purely because its iligal is silly, not doing it because you dont want to is fair enough

im 21, i dont drink, why? because i dont like the feeling , i dont like the way it makes me behave i just dont like it. i was very anti drugs up untill about 12 months ago. i tried coke, it made me feel amazing, i enjoyed the experience, my perception on the drug thing changed alot. drugs get bad when people get adicted to them, when you cant stop

if your strong enough to play safe, and set yourself ground rules then drugs are OK .


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You don't do things by half's do you!  First post in ages and its a bold one lol :D

I can see a padlock coming out 8O


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rustys_mk1 said

that was my point that there are police out there with biggoted views or that are bigger crooks than the ones they nick! just recently an officer from northumbria police was sent down for helping criminals nick cash machines?

topoftherange you must be in the met cause they'd be the only ones to have you!

forgive me for the late reply  and i will make it polite as i can………

you dont know what your talking about, your too wet behind the ears to understand how the world really is, if you saw it from a different perspective and see the problem in motion then you may think differently?

people sit in ivory towers and watch as bad things happen to everyone else………its everyones turn someday

you have never met me, you are making assumption about them on someones opinion that differs from yours

You dont actually know what i do or where i work, so dont guess

If those that openly smoke dope regularly are so bold and brazen then I ask this of you….. Write a letter to the DVLA stating that you take recreational drugs on a regular basis, put your money where your mouth is

I 100% gaurantee you will recieve a letter within a week revoking your driving licence untill you are declared medicly fit to drive again by doctors

Drug driving is as big a problem as drink drive, so dont anyone kid themselves its "safe" bacause your judgment will be very impared and cannabis remains in your blood stream for upto 3 months

so theres the bottom line, be clever and risk everyones lives because of selfish past times

I do have strong opinions that is a fact, but if you cant run with big dogs, dont piddle up tall trees :wink:

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