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A request for help (in person lol)


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Hi all, since learning to drive my wife has looked out for a car for herself, and since february has joined the ranks of mk1 golf cabriolet owners.

I've just finished rebuilding the engine for her as 3 of the pistons had gone, so fitted 4 shiny new ones, along with some new gaskets and pumps….

Anyway, I'm wondering if there's any of you lovely people who reside in the area of swale/sheppey as I currently want to replace the dreaded ignition switch and I'm having some trouble getting the evil adapter off lol.

It's an 89 cabriolet so I don't know if any drilling will be required (hope not).

So, anyone able to come round and help us out?

Oh and hello to everyone, I said hi in the newbie area, but hello again anyway lol


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I'm not close, but I did my 83 ignition barrel recently. If it is the same then you will need to drill the housing but in just the right place. I got the dimensions for drilling out of the Haynes manual. The housing is not ruined after drilling.

Hope you get it sorted.


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if you get a watchmaker screwdriver and bend the end that can get it out without removign the lock housing

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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If you can't get the screw by means of bending a screw driver, then unbolt the bottom bolt to the knuckle, remove the column switches, wheel etc and pull the centre out the column. You can then unscrew the switch and replace it without working upside down with a tiny, fiddly screw!
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