Trouble removing ignition barrel from column
(In Topic #242127)

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I have removed the steering wheel, cowling, and switch gear as well as the 6mm allen screw clamping the cast aluminium ignition barrel to the column.
But I cannot slide the ignition barrel off the column. It just wont budge. There seems to be a tight spring on the column just ahead of the ignition barrel - would I need to remove this?
Any help would be appreacited.

Last edit: by meltingdog
Old Timer


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abfmk1 said
No experience with cabbys, but do they not have a spline adapter ( think its shown in your photo) that needs removing….
Thanks Abf,
Any ideas on how to remove the adapter? I tried a gear remover but all I succeeded in doing was damage the shaft its self

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On my 90's I just had the Airbag spline, then the pressure spring and a thrush washer.
You will need to place a lever (screwdriver) and a 2X4 bit to hold the lower bearing in the shaft as you are replacing the spring and c-clip.
Do you have a VW wheel, or after market?
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