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got a simple question about a drive shaft rattle noise/play


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got a simple question about a drive shaft rattle noise/play

basicly my gearbox cups/ears that hold the drive shafts wobble about 5mm witch causes rattling when going over bumps which Im intending to fix next time i take my gearbox off as I know its not right and is very annoying somtimes! I want it right

crazy quiffs sent me 2 springs a while back that go behind the driveshaft oilseals but they looked to big and looked like they would pop the oils seals out! so i never bothered! Is this where i went wrong

Is it because i never put them 2 large springs in that sit behind both seals that is causeing them to wobble slightly??

are these springs to stop the rattling or for somthing else??? if the seals had alot of force on them and to have them pushed right on to the gbox cups wouldnt is cause more wearing probs?

The reason i never attempted to install the springs was because the old gearbox i took off never had them in and when i brought the replacent 2nd hand box there were no springs in the new box either?

please help? no rush

just wanted a sencond oppinion that the springs stop the rattle,  long live the vw

keeping it mk1


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In there should be a spring, spring cover , circlip then the outer seal. Look at this site, it has everything you need to know - Welcome to


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wow perfect

keeping it mk1
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