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Berkshire Meet 8


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Berkshire Meet 8

15th March
8pm onwards
Jekyl & Hyde South of J11 M4 on the A33

Park round the left hand side on the grass if there is space.

Here are the details

The pub is on the A33 between Reading and Basingstoke at Turgis Green - do a search on Turgis Green on

Jekyll and Hyde,
Turgis Green, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG27 0AV.
Tel: 01256 882442
(on the A33 just south of Stratfield Saye)

who'll be there? will it be the usual suspects?  :lol:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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I will be there this month… Still in my pug though  :lol:



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Suspect me!!

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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In the States that week, alas   :boohoo:

Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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ManicGTI said

In the States that week, alas   :boohoo:

Do we win the award for "Most international regional meet"?


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Bump - See you all on Wednesday next week  :D

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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Where are the rest of the usual suspects?

So far it looks like it'll only be me, Phil, and Rich…


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Wellsy/Dubboy/Blue Rivage??  :dontknow:

Mentioned it on one of Penny's posts in the Was it you? section (little off the subjuct  :oops: ) who said she'll try and make it there for the first time, still coming Penny?

I suspect Dubboy's busy writing up an amazing first club news letter  :wink:

see you all on wednesday with my new exhaust  :cheer: although just spotted my passenger CV and steering boot's are split  :banghead: will try and do those tomorrow


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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So how many of you guys will be turning out for the meet on Wednesday? I want to try and get there but all depends on a baby sitter - still a bit cold to bring the Infant V Dubbers along  :D


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Only 3 of us for sure at the moment, Wellsy is there more often than not so probably 4

go on.. make it 4-5  :lol:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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We will try and get along to the meet :D


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This one just passed me by!

Sorry to all! I'll make sure the next one goes down in the diary and I'll see you there for a pint.

(I may have the r32 by then!)


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R32 hey… my second favorite Golf to date  8) (second to the Mk1)

will post up a new thread for Aprils meet (19th) tomorrow morning.. time for some sleep now though  :lol:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better
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