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Moderators usernames?


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Hi all, I have been a member on the forum a while, but am unsure of who the moderators are? 

Basically, I'm looking for someone to help me with a problem I've had for about a year now with regards to notifications I'm receiving by email from the mk1 owners club. 

I have all my notification settings turned OFF and have quadruple checked that I have them OFF, but I still receive notifications for topics and replies posted on the forum of which I have never seen, or replied too!

I wouldn't mind if it was just one or two, but sometimes it's up to 10 different topics a day, and all the replies which go with them! Very annoying!

So if anyone could let me know the moderators usernames so I can ask them directly to help me out, that would be great. 

Thank you :-)


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pet73r said

Hi all, I have been a member on the forum a while, but am unsure of who the moderators are? 

Basically, I'm looking for someone to help me with a problem I've had for about a year now with regards to notifications I'm receiving by email from the mk1 owners club. 

I have all my notification settings turned OFF and have quadruple checked that I have them OFF, but I still receive notifications for topics and replies posted on the forum of which I have never seen, or replied too!

I wouldn't mind if it was just one or two, but sometimes it's up to 10 different topics a day, and all the replies which go with them! Very annoying!

So if anyone could let me know the moderators usernames so I can ask them directly to help me out, that would be great. 

Thank you :-)

  lhasadreams will look at this for you!   :thumbs:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Thanks for getting back to me! Ironically, I didn't get an email
Notification for this reply!! Something is wrong here! I get notifications for topics I'm not
Involved in but not for ones I am! Strange. 

Thank you, shall message llhasa dreams.  :thumbs:


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You still have some notifications turned on for some topics and a forum area.
Go to your notifications tab by editing your profile.
Find the Content block and then "Forum Topic Activity", scroll to the right and click the Advanced link for that row.

In the pop up scroll down to see all the Topics that you have notifications set up for. (This is best done on a laptop or desktop).

The reason that you did not get notified for this post is that you do not have "Automatically monitor content you've touched" ticked.

If you only want to be notified once for many posts to the same topic (until you have logged on and read it) tick Smart topic notification.




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Thanks Llhasa Dreams for getting back to me so quickly, and thank you for your detailed instructions!

I have followed your advice, and edited the notifcation setting you mentioned. I never even knew those advanced ones existed!

I have also ticked the 'automatically monitor content you've touched' so that I will be informed of future posts that im involved in! Which is what I wanted in the first place, I just didnt want to be notified every time somebody has posted something new!

Thanks for all you help guys, hopefully the problem is now solved  :)


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Ade is always willing to help, but never willing to buy you a pint!  



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Red-or-Dead said

Ade is always willing to help, but never willing to buy you a pint!  

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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smudger said

Red-or-Dead said

Ade is always willing to help, but never willing to buy you a pint!  

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Lets see if he gives me a like for my comment!   ;)



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Bruce you cheeky ....




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Sorry Ade, couldn't resist. Was only said in jest.

Hope your well mate.



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I know mate :-)

Yea not bad thanks 



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