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slough swap meet


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slough swap meet

on 5th november-has anyone been before and is it worth going to????


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Where abouts is this then? In the trading estate?


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its either at the montem leisure centre or the centre on the farnham road-will find out more and post back on here!


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found this on the internet

British VW Events   


Slough "National" Swapmeet 2006

  5th November 2006  

Montem Sports Hall, Slough

Doors open to the public at 0900hrs

The swapmeet is now in its 23rd year, the traders and clubs now come from Europe and the United States to sell their wares to the VW public. The items on sale are diverse and range from the rare and scarce parts from early air cooled VW vehicles to modern / fun items.

!!! Stop Press !!! - Due to a cancellation, there are some plots still available for hire


Go to our events pages:  Stonor Park or Home Page or VW Links or Montem Map

 For enquiries about trade plots - click here to send an e-mail or Telephone 01628 661402


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Looks good. MAy well check this out.


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this is a seriousley cool swapmeet if you are into aircooled. very rarely any water pumper stuff but you never know :dontknow:  remember this is a swapmeet not a show!

muttley racing ftmfw


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I'm not too far from Slough but what's a 'Swap meet' and is it worth it if they wont have much there for us guys?

Tian :dontknow:


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Tian said

I'm not too far from Slough but what's a 'Swap meet' and is it worth it if they wont have much there for us guys?

Tian :dontknow:

best described as an autojumble :lol:

muttley racing ftmfw


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animal said

Tian said

I'm not too far from Slough but what's a 'Swap meet' and is it worth it if they wont have much there for us guys?

Tian :dontknow:

best described as an autojumble :lol:

Oh, I see.

Tian :wink:


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If its mainly aircooled, ill send my bro down with his bug then.

Do they ever have watercooled meets here?


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we could all go down there and make sure they turn it into a water cooled swap meet from now on??????
think thats called gate crashing???
im going to go because my daughter wants to see if herbie is there…again!!!! will let you all know how it is..


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a lot of people is eager for that date to come..i'm sure a lot of them are already excited for the upcoming events for the season..


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well we went-and she met herbie!!
it was a good show-prob the most decent thing in slough i reckon!!
very much air cooled, there were 3 mk1's including mine, but inside a lot of parts i could have spent a fortune on-esp the 3 missing dials i have been searching for! original stereo's/ancient handbooks etc etc-woul go again, but we need more mk1's down there!!!!



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dont you find it to be about 95% aircooled and 5%water cooled though?

i went last year and all they had for the mk1 was a couple of old stereos and some catalogues… and some bloke selling 3 ats cups!

i didnt go this year and wont be going ever again :cry:

Mk1 1983 Helios Blue GTI Engineering


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i did find a few bits i needed-ah do go again-then my car wont look so sad sitting in the carpark all alone!!


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amylou said

well we went-and she met herbie!!
it was a good show-prob the most decent thing in slough i reckon!!
very much air cooled, there were 3 mk1's including mine, but inside a lot of parts i could have spent a fortune on-esp the 3 missing dials i have been searching for! original stereo's/ancient handbooks etc etc-woul go again, but we need more mk1's down there!!!!


Good for you and your daughter!

We need a better heads up though before next years event.

I'd go along with more notice!

Tian :wink:
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