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What flexi's to use with Vauxhall front calipers?


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What flexi's to use with Vauxhall front calipers?

Just fitted Vauxhall 256 brakes to a mk1, what flexi lines do people use as the caliper is a banjo fitting..?

Is there a Vauxhall one that fits the mk1?


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The correct fitting ones are "Opel Omega B", 1994-, also on the packaging it says "Suitable 562042 - 90473314. They're the right length and with the right fittings, if you reuse the Vectra caliper's banjo bolt.

If you wanted longer ones (about 5" longer than the above) you could use Audi TT 1998-. There's also Audi A2 1.4 16V 2000- which are approx 3" longer. However, these have a smaller fitting over the banjo bolt so you'd need to use the equivalent VW bolt, not Vauxhall.

I was also sent "Opel Length 340 Suitable 562345-562358", but these are about 2" shorter than the top ones, and are probably a little too short. Also they don't have a convenient fitting (the top ones do) which allow it to clip into the strut.




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Thanks Paul, good infos!



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wow, old thread.

Great detective work from Paul.

Not sure what the difference between the Omega lines and all the other Vauxhall lines is…?  Do they have the slimmer female end piece on the hardline end?

All the Vauxhall lines around that time that used the 256mm brakes had banjo fittings at the caliper end.  So it doesn't matter too much as long as long enough.  I just used Mk2 Astra 16V spec lines.   I guess Paul found that the Omega ones were a better length.  

There was talk at one point that VW made some lines with Banjo end fittings, later Lupo or Polo IIRC?

Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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yarg later polos used banjos on the calipers, you'll probably find the bolt problem paul mention still applies here so get everything off the donor to test before you spend out.

i might be wrong but the other end could be wrong fitment on the polo, as on my mates ABF swap we used polo GTI 256mm calipers which required the banjo fittings, and he bought custom made ones from the same place he got his mk4 rear caliper conversion hoses from. although that could have just been for easiness so we didnt have to buy a set of mk2, mk4 and polo braided hoses :lol:

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