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Shop shipping time


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Hi I ordered a hoodie on the 26th of August after going through everything and agreeing to things it said my order was successful and will be with me in 3 days??

Did this mean I should have received it by now or does is actually mean it takes 3 days from order date to ship it out. Any help would be appreciated

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Unfortunately not good news I'm afraid - according to the stock levels in the shop we should have had 1 left - unfortunately it would appear that this was a mistake.

I was hoping that it was in a box of merchandise that went to another show but its not there either so I'm afraid I cannot fulfill your order.

I will ask that your payment is refunded ASAP.  lhasadreams  - can you do this as soon as possible please?

I can only apologise for this disappointment.  


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Refunded as requested




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Shop shipping time

Ok thanks for that will check for refund, at the end of the day we are only human and mistakes can happen. Little disappointed, are there any hoodies left

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