(In Topic #81263)
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Old Timer

This happened on mine after i had the horn off the car for a while, with nothing attached to the wires, has something similar happened to yours or did it just happen suddenly? :dontknow:


Old Timer

If the relay is clicking, then that side of the circuit is working.
If the new horn still doesn't work, then you need to examine the other circuit itself - the wiring on this circuit is notorious for getting tatty, being down by the road in the salt and rain, etc. If the wiring is poor, it can lead to a voltage drop as mentioned above.
PS: Moved thread to "Electrics"
Settled In


Old Timer

Do a few continuity tests between these points, and if it is all connected, then the connections and/or last few inches of wire at the horns is probably dropping the voltage too much, due to being corroded - replace the cruddy-looking wire sections and/or clean/replace the connectors.

Life Member

Also make sure that the earth lead at the bottom of the steering columnm is clean and making a decent earth.

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