Golf MK1 Cabrio (1.6 GL) - Rocker Cover earthing wire - To potentially resolve Oil Pressure Warning
(In Topic #241766)

Settled In

Do I have the correct earthing wire on the Rocker Cover
I have a Golf MK1 Cabrio 1.6 GL with Carb.
I bought the car with the Oil Pressure Warning light flashing on the dash (comes on over 2000 rpm - buzzer has already been de-activated)
One of the common issues I've seen online is the location of the earthing cable on the rocker cover.
On mine I can only see one earthing wire, which goes from the rocker cover to the side of the carburetor… is this correct, or should I have a better earth to the bulk head / coil?
I'm just ticking options off before I remove the clocks and get them sent off for fixing.
I've already changed the sensors, changed oil filter, fuel pump, and correct oil….

Local Hero

The Flashing light and Buzzer are the Low oil pressures at over 2000 rpm.
Oil pump's have a by-pass that can fail and remain open.
or closed.
With out checking the basics, throwing senders and things is a waist of time and monies.
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Settled In

The car is going into the garage in early Feb, to pressure check (for my own piece of mind) and swap in a new Febi oil pump, new oil, genuine VW filter etc…. I've only changed the sensors so far (still showing warning light), and as the post indicates…. I'm just wanting to rule out an earthing issue… as I've only got the single earth wire from rocker to carb… do I need something more substantial to the bulk head or coil?
Any ideas or advice welcome…..
(PS - I have a habit of throwing money at cars… for apparently no reason :-) !)

Local Hero

It has taller gears and gives better pressures.
Earlier than 91.5 and you will need longer bolts to bolt it to the engine, as the earlier ones have a shorter bolt.
I can't remember the lengths. But the pick-up tubes on the 2.0 pump will not allow the oil pan to bolt up.
The DPWS warning system is inside of the speedometer, and if he disabled the buzzer, chances are that he dinked things up. It is there for a reason.
pn 321 919 064
I would first suggest doing the Quick test to verify that your main battery to frame and frame to engine grounds are good.
Yes there should be a Bonding wire from the right rear valve cover nut to the Coil Bracket bolt. If you are adding a wire use a stranded and not a solid wire with enough slack so it will flex with engine torque.
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Settled In

Mine is a 1.6 so not sure I can upgrade the oil pump to a 2.0…. plus I've already spent the money on a new Febi Pump.
I'll take a look at the earthing point from rocker to coil…. I defo only have a thin wire between rocker and a bolt on the carb…
Who knows… maybe a new substantial cable from rocker to coil bolt will make a difference…. worth a try!

Old Timer


Local Hero

Is the board on the inside of the speedo. I would imagine that the PO cut the wire to feed the buzzer, and that the issue if all the static tests say you have good pressures, then the issue is that board. or the wires feeding it.
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They all start with GOOD Grounds.
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Settled In


Old Timer

I took the number off the old one and found one on ebay. The hardest bit was getting the board out!
The other issue I had was making sure the transistor was orientated the right way as documentation was non-existent. I make a guess and got it wrong, had to take the board out again. When I did it the second time I assembled it as losely as I could to connect it and test.
If you can find an old school TV repair place, they would probably be able to source and fit the part.

Old Timer

Transistor is circled.

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