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rust grrrrrr!!!!


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rust grrrrrr!!!!

hi i was wondering if the rust i have just founds is fixable and if its worth doing as seems to be in quite an awkward place and i wanna get my car sorted as soon as possible.:_)

the rust that i am most worried about is just above the top of the door frame on what i think is the roof sill and it looks quite awkward to get at and i wondered if it is possible to repair this area.

rust 1:

rust 2:

rust 3:

thank you…. Juan.


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that looks like nothiong mate just get the wire brush on it rub it back to metal and repaint dont look too seriose.  take less than a day to sort out on your drive



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id like to do that lol but it hs rotted all the way through on various patches along the roof sill and i wondered if it is hard to weld in this area?

lol i wish i could just scrub this rot away with a wire brush:-)


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Hard to tell from the pics, but if it has rotted through into the roof it could be tricky to fix. Does the rot go into the roof panel much and what has caused it - leaking sunroof?

Unfortunately, with rust there's often more you can't see than you can, to find out how bad it is you need grind/sand back the rust to find what good metal there is and what patches/welding are needed. What's the rest of the car like, rear arches/chassis legs, front inner wings, sills etc?


1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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Sorry to say this but it looks like a tricky piece to repair . Quite a rare area to rust and as markwon says must have been caused by the sunroof . What is the rest of the car like ?

Donor car would provide a good repair section , chop out the old cure the problem and weld in the new piece . Skim of filler prime and paint .

crazyquiff and scouse [user names]  on here break MK1's so a repair piece is easily obtainable

Cheers ………..


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cheers chud .give you that fiver later lol

we have  plenty of  donor cars with good gutter rail or complete roofs


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Well its certainly do able but will be fairly labour intensive, you will want to remove the skin, repair the framework and gutters and refit the skin (good chance to loose a sunroof), whats the rest of the car like? you realy need to decide whether its worth carrying on in this shell or re-shelling/finding a replacement car


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yeah the sunroof had been leaking through:-((
the other areas of the car that need doing is one rear arch, the rear valance, a tiny patch on the sill and a small amount of work on the inner wings and a small hole in the wheel wel. apart from these things it is a very solid shell with a nice clean interior.
anyway im getting someone to look at it this week and depending on how much it costs to repair im might keep it or get rid of it?
i was just wondering would it be expensive to fit another roof skin or would it be cheaper to patch it in?

dam it i dunno what to do but i really want to keep the car.

cheers for the replys Juan….


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oh by the way the roof skin itself is actually in really good condition. its just the railing thats the problem.


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It would be possible to repair it by putting a whole new roof onto the car, joining it at the A, B and C pillars. The A and B pillars are quite thick so no real problems welding these, but you'd have to be spot on (lots of measurements, refit the doors as a trial fit) with the alignment. This would also give you an opportunity to convert the car from sunroof to non-sunroof, which many people think is desirable these days.

Obviously, its quite an involved job, you'd need adequate space to be able to store the car and another roof, etc.

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