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bonnet lifters


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bonnet lifters

anyone know where i can get some good quality bonnet lifters....ordered some bonrath ones with venom but received an e mail back refunding my money as they no longer have any in stock(preferably chrome finish) thanks :(


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scrap yard off an old mk4 golf fella

if you aint scrubbing......... you aint dubbing


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try trusty old fleebay.......


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Hi Scott,
I had the same issue a year a go, don't know why they don't update their website.

Anyway I bought mine off German eBay, loads cheaper than a venom even with delivery added !!
These are the guys that I got them off:…m4aa45ebc49#ht_2489wt_802

The Mk1 lifters are never the correct length to fit where a wing bolt goes and require you to drill a hole in the wing top - never fancied doing that myself. I always shorten them by removing the end cutting the bar down and cutting some extra thread onto it. You can always measure mine as a template to get the length right if you want to do the same.




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cheers ade will order some off them, ive already got bonrath lifters but theyve gone a bit rusty might take you up on the threading again in for mot on 26th but wont be able to go on the meet at the end of month due to the dam taxing law,,gutted! can only tax it 2 days before the start of a month so wont be able to get it till weds 30th :(


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Shame you will not be able to make it Scott.
No worries on the threading, just let me know




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thanks ade let me know if your doin anything in june,i know its the agm early july but im itching to get back in the old girl again after 7mths or so in the garage in bits  :(
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