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leaking water pump


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leaking water pump

my waterpump is leaking, is this an easy job to fix? if you look directly under the waterpump theres a hole in the casting, it looks original and not a crack or anything like that…well the water is coming from there…any ideas? :banghead:  :evil:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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ps i really need my car for saterday night, an easy fix will do me…

Might just risk it and carry a couple of litrs or water with me to top up… :dontknow:

oh yea and the water in the bottle has turned to a dark brown colour? i've only just flushed out the crappy old fluid and done it with new…

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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For the sake of ?20-?30 I'd just replace the water pump…

haven't done this job on a VW before but can't see why it would be any harder to do than the one's I've done (Mini and various F**ds)… Hours job max


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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Might just risk it and carry a couple of litrs or water with me to top up..

No way should you do that, an over heated engine is expensive to replace, take a Taxi ,catch a bus, don't cook it you'll never forgive yourself or your wallet.

Oil and water keeps the engine alive :D

PS Lots of cold water into a hot engine can also cause problems, extremes of tempeture etc

Golf GTI Cabriolet 1990 Helios Blue - gone

Audi A4 1.9TDI - Gone :(

Golf GTTDI MK5 140…..oooh quick….but not a MK1  ;)


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Thought this was a replace only job. Did one on a golf years ago and don't remember any drama to it. Water pump is easily accessible. Use new gaskets etc

Have fun



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That hole is specifically there to drain the bearings if water gets in - Now your seal has gone the bearings will fail soon - change the pump

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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right thanks for the replys, well saterday night was a big 1 and im still recovering from it now… Glad i didnt take the car!!!

After getting in the mood i had a bash today everything was going smoothly removed every bolt with ease then….came the last bolt holding it on to the block…needless to say i wasnt expecting it to come out, and guess what…the bolt head snapped off leaving me pretty f**ked :banghead:

So what the hell do i do now!? why is the last bolt such a bitch of a job!? good job the hammer was only a rubber mallet, oohhhh i swear i could of took off some heads (gaskets) lol…see what i did there with the hammer and the head…..erm…TAXI!!!?

and relax

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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So the last bolt holding the water pump has sheared?…… got any pics and I'll throw some suggestions your way…..

Low you might be brassed off but there is more than one way to skin a cat! (some ways just take longer than others :banghead: )

It's all good experience mate :wink:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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cheers mate, yea im quite chilled out now theres a garage not far from me, so i'll see if i can get towed down there and see if they can fix it for me…

Where the two bolts hold the top part of the pump(just under the altanator) its the 1 on the left sorry crap pic

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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Oooooooooo! Looks nasty. Think I can make out whats going on in the pic. It's in a tight spot.

Think if i was attepting it, I would remove all the timing belt cover and everything else thats in the way. Then I would try and get a drill in there.

If you cant get the old bolt out you could always re-tap it and use a oversize bolt providing there is room.

Good luck mate. Hope it all goes well. :pray:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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yea thought about drilling it but the drill we have here is poo, and took me ages to to drill through thin metal to fix the gti spoiler on…

it looks like alot of work, and its something i cant do, im totaly gutted, coz its something i cant afford to have done!

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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right its booked in at my local tomoz so lets see what the verdict is :evil:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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Had this happen to me to another bolt into the block. You will need to centre punch it, then go in with a hard drill bit on a very slow speed and lots of force. If you have a reversible drill, you might be able to just unscrew it. If not you could try an Easyout or similar knurled tool. Otherwise, I have had success with a punch and hammer on the edge. Last resort is to weld on a smaller bolt (not easy to build up enough heat) or drill and tap.




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well thanks for the replys, the guy at the garage has got it out for me :D , said it wasnt easy….certainly wasnt easy on the old wallet 30 squid nips :?

at least i can crack on with the new pump now

no doubt i'll need your help regarding fitting it so keep your eyes peeled :lol:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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?30 to remove the bolt I would says not to bad but when cash is not readilly availible it like finding ?1000  :cry: , glad you got the bolt out though.

Do you have a Haynes manual, I have if you get stuck can alway look it up for you.

Rob  :D

Golf GTI Cabriolet 1990 Helios Blue - gone

Audi A4 1.9TDI - Gone :(

Golf GTTDI MK5 140…..oooh quick….but not a MK1  ;)


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i would also suggest using new bolts for fitting new pump mate if that one snapped the others cant be that much cop you dont wanna be tightening your nice new pump up and have the same problem !!! just a thought but its what i would do personally  :wink:


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Right after a trip to german + swedish, found out that i've got a pump that the lads couldnt recognise? :roll:

Mine has three hose outlets, and the ones they had only had two!? they took the part numbers off mine but couldnt trace what it was from, i do know that my car had a 16v engine fitted some years back then been fitted back with a 1.6 so not sure if its a std mk1 1.6…

so….they have orderd 1 half of the pump and shall see if it can mate up with the other half tommorw

what a ball-ake :banghead:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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good luck mate you,ll get it sorted  :wink:


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:banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

I've just snapped some more bolt heads, i fuckin knew this wouldnt be an easy job

the fuel pump needs to be seperated in half, and i've done three bolts again…

Can somebody sort me out with a new fuel pump same as mine? i'm not going back to the fkin garage and paying out another 30 squid to break the pump in half

This is pi55in me right off

 :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!


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i meant water pump :roll:

1272 driver with a magic tree!!
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