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Annual Gathering versus Bug Jam?


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Annual Gathering versus Bug Jam?

Please take the time to vote your preference, thanks



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agm all the way for me, great weekend





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could we have a different choice

i would like to go to both?



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AGM no contest !!!!!!

Cheers, Dave.



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There are currently 7 pages of discussion on the other thread about the dates.
As said before, this is a trial to see if the change if dates work.

The  Olympics are also being held this year and while nobody knows how it will affect things, members may get swept along with them and not attend if we have the meeting in the Games period.

There will be no change this year but next year may see a return to the later date if this doesn't improve the attendance. At least we can show to those who complained about the Bug Jam clash that we have listened and tried it out.

I vote Mk1 Golf Owner AG!!!


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I thought there was an option missing I'd like to go to both too :(


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You cannot win, your damed if you and damed if you don't.

Give Dano and the comitee a break please.

It's all ready out there. Folks stated last time on numerous occasions that they were unable to attend  the AGM. Because going to Bug Jam is more important to them.

I go to the AGM to show my support for the Club and catch up with members, put names to faces and have a bloody good time.

Every year I enjoy myself and personally would rather make the effort to attend the AGM.

No date is ever going to be perfect for everybody.

Agreed you now have the option of attending both as there is no clash between them.

School holidays vary from different parts of the UK.

And I understand where Jelly is coming from.
School, Home, dinner and away we went.
Having said that my old Mans firm used to finish at 2pm on the Friday.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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The poll is to gain information, no more and no less. It is not to have a go at anyone, and for sure you cannot please everybody.

I did not put a "attend both" option as that would not give any info about lost attendance in the event of a date clash and the complaint was about preference for Bug Jam, ie how important is the AGM for members compared with other shows.



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then it's a simple question really

Given the choice which would you attend if there was a clash of dates.

Bug Jam



that way you have the fors against for both and can tally the numbers up of all voters

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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every year at work for the xmas party we have gone to the dogs and a meal afterwards, last year it was asked if we could do something else, we had 3 suggestions dogs, horses or bowling, there was that much hassle with open votes closed votes and whatever else to decide out of the 3 we ended up doing nothing !! this year i have made the decision and its final if they come the come if the don't they don't, its the only way !! you will never come to a decision to please everyone. so all these stupid voting threads and threads saying it should have been put to the vote are useless, delete them all, the dates are set end of …

don't get me wrong i'm gutted for the ones that cannot make it but hey ho we'll meet another year, if the dates are changed there will be another set of people who cannot make them ..

ps: AGM for me no matter what ..


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Phew! Glad we got to the bottom of that swiftly!!!!

Having organised the AGM you know how hard it is to please everyone.


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Voted. :0)



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What do you want to do with the results then Rajan ?

I didn't want it moved, but hey ho the decision was made by the organisers - they are the ones who have to give up time and money to make it happen :-)

I had to change my holiday pans to fit it in, a bit annoying but not the end of the world !!

I remember as kids we visited Family in Kent a lot, my Dad always favoured a 2am start to beat the traffic :-)

Hopefully you can get everything loaded up and swiftly away on the  Friday, if you need some extra light or a hand getting your tent up just shout.




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Hi Ade, just hoping to get some info on how many members would not attend because of Bug Jam. Certainly not expecting to change any dates for this year. Everyone understands the dates cannot please everyone, especially considering the constraints of the location and the key people required to run it, but I think an attempt should be made to please as many as possible and to do that information sought beforehand. If I could not attend after a fair decision had been made then fair enough. There will always be complaints, but if a logical and transparent decision process was used then I am sure people would understand and keep them to a minimum.  :)

For sure we are going to do our best to make it away as early as possible on Friday, as every year. Thanks for the offer of help - may take you up on it  :wink:



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AGM AGM AGM! :D Can't be missed and bit of a no brainer for me anyway. :mrgreen:

Bug Jam used to be my way of life, but it's lost it's friendly vibe. Even though the dates don't clash now, still not going to Bug Jam.

Staffordshire Regional Host support



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We can poll on here until the night before BUT the only reliable result is the number of people through the gate over the weekend - thats the transparent test.

If it doesn't work then we can revert back to the same weekend date of the last weekend in July.

As I keep saying, unless we try it then we won't know. This could be the best, or worst decision for the AGM!!!!!!


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There where different factors that brought us to the dates we have decided would be best, we mustn't forget that we are also dictated to by the venue itself as many weekend dates are taken for not just racing but other clubs and organisations use the facilities at Uttoxeter.

We have over the past 2 AGM's had moan after moan about the clash with Bug sham and this year we would have clashed with the Olympics which wouldn't have been wise.

Like Dan says we will give it a try the one thing you can say is the notice about the date was posted in enough time for many folks to plan ahead which hasn't happened before as the dates are usually announced about this time of year.
I will be attending the AGM even though Ive been asked to represent the UK in the  singles synchronized swimming.. :wink:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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I saw a crinkly peanut tomorrow


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A5OPY said

There where different factors that brought us to the dates we have decided would be best, we mustn't forget that we are also dictated to by the venue itself as many weekend dates are taken for not just racing but other clubs and organisations use the facilities at Uttoxeter.

We have over the past 2 AGM's had moan after moan about the clash with Bug sham and this year we would have clashed with the Olympics which wouldn't have been wise.

Like Dan says we will give it a try the one thing you can say is the notice about the date was posted in enough time for many folks to plan ahead which hasn't happened before as the dates are usually announced about this time of year.
I will be attending the AGM even though Ive been asked to represent the UK in the  singles synchronized swimming.. :wink:

wahoo you can still make it A50PY

Synchronised Swimming Key facts

Venue: Aquatics Centre - Olympic Park
Dates: Sunday 5 - Friday 10 August
Medal events: 2
Athletes: 104 (all women except A5OPY)


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Now there's a poll

Would you Rather

A) go to the AGM
B) watch Mr Chairman synchronized swimming

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