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Modifications and Conversions

Questions on modifying any part of your Mk1, engines, running gear, suspension etc. Anything above and beyond standard fayre.
Title Starter Posts Views Last post Toggle selection
New posts paul_h 90 88,077 N/A
New posts ManicGTI 15 19,317 N/A
New posts paul_c 194 188,306 N/A
New posts bens_cab 70 166,205 N/A
New posts vdubdan7 1 65 N/A
New posts Cushti 3 123 N/A
New posts alexHxC 24 17,665 N/A
New posts David_ 4 483 N/A
New posts Amrik Bains 1 1,891 N/A
New posts Cushti 1 1,343 N/A
New posts shepp 14 6,068 N/A
New posts huw169 12 5,019 N/A
New posts OzmanCab 4 1,555 N/A
New posts
Looking to find out what loom runs required to run the 20v turbo in my mk1
ctimbrell 1 1,218 N/A
New posts Martyn Williams 2 1,481 N/A
New posts
Mk1 9" servo upgrade to larger master cylinder
dubbydrummer 2 1,343 N/A
New posts
Best route to go with auto pedal box when fitting 20v turbo
ctimbrell 1 1,105 N/A
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Loom and other stuff
gafo 1 1,105 N/A
New posts Vidde 41 15,727 N/A
New posts Spidermonkey84 3 2,085 N/A
New posts jonleek73 1 1,160 N/A
New posts Nickveedub 10 6,102 N/A
New posts Daniel Wall 1 1,218 N/A
New posts Westlake902 2 1,891 N/A
New posts gkoutsis 1 1,343 N/A
New posts vrupper 258 118,703 N/A
New posts bacardincoke 10 4,780 N/A
New posts purplemonsta 30 29,219 N/A
New posts duncmac 22 29,615 N/A
New posts rileycab 5 2,534 N/A