white 78' series 1 *PROJECT ANGUS* Updated 06/04/2011!!
(In Topic #103786)

Old Timer

white 78' series 1 *PROJECT ANGUS* Updated 06/04/2011!!
The car isn't actually mine it belongs to my mate who is on here (white_78), but he doesn't get online much so asked me to do the thread for him. I'm sure he'll pop in and give his views every so often.
So as the title says it's a white 78' series 1 1.5 auto. My friend is the second owner and bought the car off an elderly man 2 years ago who had suffered a stroke and couldn't drive anymore.

It's called Angus as the owner was Scottish and it had loads of Scotland stickers in the back window, which have been kept and added too. 8)
Here He is.

started by stripping the interior, heater matrix and a few trim parts.

The rot has set in after 30 years but he should be good by christmas as far as bodywork. Drivers side inner and outer sill. The bottom hinge on the door is a bit rotten too but not too bad.

Passenger side inner sill (forgot to take pic of outer :? )

Passenger side wing.

And the inner wing on the drivers side.

After this we removed all the ancillaries (spelling?), drive shafts, front wings and the brake assembly (will get some better shots of this before posting). The previous owner had also caked the entire engine bay with this tar like black goop to ward off tin worm. It's a nightmare to get off so any suggestions welcome? We are currently useing stanley blades to scrape it off then using a bit of thinners to take the last of it off. Spent an hour or so last weekend, at the end of the night at the garage getting a bit off. It looks surprisingly clean underneath and the rot in the top of the wings hasn't penetrated far at all so it did it's job!

goin again this weekend hopefully so will get some more pics while i'm there and some off my mates cam too and edit them in.
Local Hero


Old Timer

Cheers for the PM dude, looks great stuff. All good down here I might be buying some coils soon with any luck!
This looks hamazing fella. I'll be back up north for a week or so at Christmas so if you two need an extra pair of hands give me a shout! I'm probably gonna be sandblasting some parts too so if you want anything cleaning up/stripping let me know. It's not a very big cabinet though so best for engine ancillaries and stuff like that.
Gonna have an eagle eye on this thread dude, just been bookmarked fo shiz.

Old Timer


Old Timer

Old Timer

Settling In

Lick my Decals off baby!

Old Timer


Old Timer

ross_m said
This looks like a great project. Should look great when finished! I'll be watching this too. It looks pretty low, is it lowered?
yeah it was on fitting the coilovers we started to notice it was rotting.
Settled In

And also, i'll be more than happy for an extra set of hands from the tyeness!! Ha Ha
'78 Golf LS 20vt
‘08 Mk5 Edition 30 DSG
‘08 Mk5 Edition 30 DSG
Settling In

Aye thats me, just getting my Golf tidied up recently so on here a bit more often. I added you on fyassbook a while back to check out your Mk1, looks sweet. 8)rustys_mk1 said
no. but i do know steve angus. is this andy that had the ghia?
Lick my Decals off baby!

Old Timer

Settling In

Few bits n pieces, take a look here:rustys_mk1 said
thought it must have been you. what you doin to the golf like?
The Mk1 Golf Owners Club
Just picked up a 16v engine this week so get that in soon hopefully.
Lick my Decals off baby!

Settling In

Will be watching this one 8)

Old Timer


Settled In

<a href="VW Golf Mk1 Owners Club"> <img
ERROR: A link was posted here (url) but it appears to be a broken link.

Old Timer

Who's doing the bodywork on this? Thinking of taking my clipper kit off next year but I think there might be some rot in the arches


Old Timer

he's been out and looked at the golf and he seems to be a really nice fella. this is only gonna be the second golf he's dones but normally deals with aircooled stuff so the rot should be a breeze compared to those. lol. he came with a good recomendation too so i am confident in his ability. prices aren't too bad either.

still got the starmags there at the mo but he stll can't decide whether to put them on or not? :dontknow:

Old Timer

I reckon the starmags should stay, they're brilliant and the more chrome the better I reckon. Did you say you had problems fitting them in the first place?

Old Timer

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