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what do u think?

Howzit every body! just whanted to say halo and post a couple pics of my car. Im from South africa and the people here have a hole difrent idea of what a golf should look like!!! i would love it if you could give me some ideas of what to change on my car coss i like to be difirent.
i took the pics while i was changeing my clutch plate so its a bit dirty :oops:


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this is going to sound dumb but how to i post a pic????


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try that mate  :mrgreen:

hope to see some nice pics very soon  :mrgreen:


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To post a picture it is best to set up a photobucket account, then upload the pictures you want to that.  Then when uploaded if you hover over the picture a little box with all different codes will appear just click the img one and it will be copied, then just past that link.  Hope that helps.


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ok so here is my use to be a 1300 shuttle 95 model. i drove it for about 2 years and then changed the motor to the 1800 gti with the kjet feul injection. about 3 years later i over reved it and send a valve trough the no 3 piston. it was going to cost me to much to fix so i bought the 2.0l tall block and dumped it in the running dicktator feul management with wastet spark and launch control


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ill take some more pics tommorow in the day and post them. i would love sum feed back on what u guys think i should do and change :D


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Looks like a solid car
If it were my car i would change the wheels first. i woulnt go for anything bigger than 15".
I would go for a more euro look.
You can get plenty of ideas just by looking on this forum
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