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Project Dreamboat


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Project Dreamboat

Hello, yes, i'm alive, as is dreamboat.

She's been sat in my garage for over a year now, and last night when having a fly fag in there, I decided that she looks so sad and miserable despite masses of potential…

So time for my first ever resto. When I originally joined here I was thinking of starting out on a classic mini, but I haven't the cash, so let's work on what I've got.

Going to go and remove the hood, are there any guides about? as I can only see how to replace the hood, is there an easier way to actually get the whole whack off?

Then I plan to remove the interior, and start farting about with the running gear.

Haha, I haven't a clue, watch this space for a 84 cab in bits in the near future!

Let me know what you all think, unfortunately my camera battery is dead and I haven't the charger, but I'll be working on it every tuesday so will start taking pics next time.  Don't imagine I'll get much done today.

Wish me luck,


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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Good luck!!!

There's a good hood guide HERE  Get stuck in :)



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Ok so the hood removal is on hold, a couple of good guides on replacement but I want to actually remove it completely so my attention was given to stuff I could easily start removing…

I jacked her up, borrowed a set of axle stands, and removed the wheels, at the time i wasn't sure why, maybe cos it made me feel manly?

Then I removed the front reg plate holder, as it's knackered, and then decided the front bumper was coming off.  Didn't have  alot of spare time so left it and enquired on here how to do it.

Thanks to novocaine I knew what I had to do, so came back down here(my folks place) from my own place (40 miles) via halfords!!! ?250 on fun tools and stuff, including my own axle stands!

Anyway, I have such a horrific habit of rabbiting on, here's some photos…

bumpers off

as are arches, one's ok…

one's a mess…

my working space, with new angle grinder, drill set, tool box etc. neatly placed..(see how long that lasts)

you can see my other car in the reflection…

or a bit clearer.  This was my first car, the engine is goosed and I will possibly work if ever I am waiting for something for the golf…

my idea is becoming a reality, though this badge snapped when I tried to remove it, GUTTED, so just a quick botch to see how it'll come out.

My oil tank was bashed, by me unfortunately, and you can see damage to the front of the chassis too, oil tank will be first on my list of parts me thinks.

Off to work now…but with your encouragement and a raw desire to take things apart, make them better and put them back on, will be back on this ASAP.


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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Looking good mate and an Alfa fan just like me, although mine was killed yesterday by a dozy driver. Or are you talking about that Outspan Orange?!?!

T :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :lol:


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haha, the alfa's my mum's - gorgeous to look at it, horrible to drive.  The smart is cool, It still doesn't look outdated, 10 years on.  Not that the 25 year old golf does, love them!

Is it a coincidence that all the cars I like are time immune?

My daily drive is currently a jeep patriot, handy for lugging stuff about!

ANyway, no real excuse for an update, just want to keep this post very alive as I'm impulsive and want to keep at this, feel free to pester me if you find this post on page 2 or beyond.

Painted the front VW badge in fiat orange red ( was the most eyecatching red in halfords)  Will upload some pics tomorrow.

Removed the driver side sill, it's all cracked and needs replaced.

Took the inner arch out of the drivers side front wheel arch and was going to remove the wing (cos that's what you do when you're restoring your mk1 golf?) when I discovered this thick gummy stuff holding the wing to the chassis?  Any ideas what it is, how to remove?

My next door neighbour (car buff) says I shouldn't remove it, and that I should leave the wing on, also that I shouldn't try and strip the paint.  Though says I should remove the other wing, with the duff arch?

He also thinks I should replace the doors, and boot lid.

So finally, after 3 days of pottering about and removing stuff that looks fun to remove, I have put together a brief list…

Buy tesco freezer bags to store all bolts(It's getting serious)

Remove offside front wing.  (need your help with te gummy stuff)

Remove doors.

Remove bonnet.

Remove Bootlid.

Finish removing clipper kit and side strips and badges etc.

Replace all of the above, while perhaps trying to strip those removed of paint and rust, just to see how tough it really is.

Think this is going to take me a long while….but if I get this far…

Remove hood

Remove interior ( send to have reupholstered - job I'm willing not to try!)

From here….(again, another ages expected….)

Get my car running supremo - this will involve:

Replace oil tank

Replace Fuel Tank

Replace Fuel Pump

At least….(will no doubt discover other things by this point.)

At this point (I figure it's 2047 by now…)

Send to spray shop….

When returned sprayed (as yet undecided..) put all back together.

I'm sorry for boring you with this…but if nothing else it will serve as a reminder for what I have literally right now planned to do.

Hope you all enjoy the revival of the dreamboat….


P.S. Congratulations weetony54! You bought this item.
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Item:Restore VW Golf Mk1 Mk2 Jetta Book New Haynes Manual


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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was working all day today but staying over at my folks tonight (i work 3 minutes from there place and the golf is here!)…went into the garage for a quick wee look to see what i could be getting on with tomorrow…3 hours later and I'm just out, covered in oil and looking for some help…

here's some pics first…

finished the red badge….don't like it, but fancy a completely new grille.

as advised, a couple of packets of freezer bags and a permy, a great tip I can tell already!

side sill removed, no rust hidden, but bogging clearly.

reduced my passenger door to this…question, should i leave the plastic on?

Ok help, how do i get this bolt off? it's the bottom bolt holding the passenger door and a) i can't really get to it, b) it's absolutely solid stiff.

The other thing i need help with is removing the door handle…I cna see one screw, though I'm going to have to drill it out but is that all i need to remove to get the handle off, I'm tlaking about the screw behind the chrome strip.

I've also removed the wing mirrors, window wipers and other wee bits.

Tomorrow I want to finish taking off the body kit and get the doors off, please help, this will soon be an interactive resto.



P.S. today I had the vision for the completed interior, I'm not giving anything away, but I stick at this, Dreamboat is going to be a stunner.

'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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The plastic on the inside of the door is to keep the door cards from going damp i think.  But if it is stored i don't think it is a problem anyway.  



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WeeTony said

The other thing i need help with is removing the door handle…I cna see one screw, though I'm going to have to drill it out but is that all i need to remove to get the handle off, I'm tlaking about the screw behind the chrome strip.

hi mate. i'm liking your 'get stuck in' approach. good on yer. :)

there are 2 screws that hold the door handle onto the door.
the one you've found behind the chrome strip, and then a fat headed screw inside the edge of the door where the locking mech is.
there should be a section cut away in the edge of the door to get good access with a screwdriver, you might have to move the door seal abit to get to this.

with the screws out, the handle slides back (i think) abit and comes out.

hope that helps mate.

ash x


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cheers guys, going to go and get the door handle off, though I hate small jobs that take forever.  I can see them being the make or break of this resto.

Any ideas for that door bolt?

Also, forgot to mention last night, but I managed to unfix my rear seat as it wasn't falling forward, the recliner lever thing in the boot seems bust, it seems a bit fidgety getting the seat out though, any pics or instructions would be great.

I've ordered 5 things from ebay, why is my golf resto book taking the longest to arrive, why, WHY!!



'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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with regards to that bolt on the door hinge. you could try and knock the pin out of the hinge. you'd need to get a mate to hold the door to take the weight of it and then knock the pin out upwards with an old screwdriver and a hammer.

i've not yet replaced my doors, but that the way i'm gonna tackle it, right or wrong. :)

the pins do come out, as i've knocked one out of my donor door that had been cut off with the hinge intact.

good luck.



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Cheers Ash, that's a great idea, I'll try that when I get back to the doors.

Today was a good day…

I started off by removing the side sill clips (that holds the sill on) then took the sill off of the drivers side.  The thin seal between bodywork and sill felt apart (what was left of it) so should I look for replacement for when I put these back on? and if so, where?

I then lowered the front and raised the rear.

I took off the rear arches, one was snapped in half when my car was on a jig last year, the other seems okay.

At this point a young apprentice arrived, Darren, 15, KP in my cafe, I asked him what he wanted to be when he left school and he said "mechanic"…he's proving a great help.

We took off the rear bumper, boot and lights, then we got the back seat out and the passenger seat.

He says he's more interested in engine mechanics than bodywork, so I might just order some parts for next week :)

Anyway, here's some photos photo lovers:

rolled her forward for access to the rear, garage space is getting limited!

darren arrives and is set to work! (this isn't even a pose)

this is the worst of the damage under the rear arches, will need to grind it back to see how bad it is.

bumper off…

boot off…

lights off!

he learned the "freezer bag" technique quickly!

not to self, the wee wire runs between the two reg lights

back seats out

passenger seat out

can't wait for my resto book to arrive, plan to take the windscreen out, hood off and get to work with my angle grinder and paint/rust remover.

meanwhile, will order oil tank, fuel tank, fuel pump and start fixing up the mechanicals.

Anyone know any good reupholsterers in Scotland? I fancy leather, that's all I'm saying for now.

Gutted that Darren's back at school tomorrow, and this resto is already causing troubles with my better half, but hopefully be at it again soon.



'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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wee update

i got to page 3 in a week!! It's obviously resto season !

Well done everyone for keeping the dream alive, and looking after these beauties….worth all our time and money i'd say.

This week I removed a few more bits, and did a bit more sanding, also told the girlfriend that we're going to Como in Septmber next year, in my restored golf…gives me something to work towards other than an absolutely stonking vw cab!!

removed rear fog, this is just to remind me where it connects.

thought this was a two bolts and out job….how wrong could i be?

pretty wrong, as i cover myself in manky coolant.

scene of the cri….thermostat removal.

that goes there and that goes there, easy…

folks, is it okay to leave this like this till i replace the radiator? i.e. couple of weeks?

where's my radiator?

another reminder for refit.

hmmm, that's not been done in a while..

when most people talk full restos, paint is stripped to see what works involved….i used turtle wax :)

should they stay or should they go…(this indecision's killing me etc.)
what should i expect for these if i sell 'em?

before shot. forgot to take after shot, and i'm 40 miles away…

found this cloth in my air filter, does it belong there?

how about the dead butterfly/moth? is that OEM?

I am finding it hard not to splash out on millions of parts i want, but need to start being a bit more methodical, and work on one bit, buying parts as i need them…

Next week I'm gonna sand away more rust and try my hand at bodywork repairs!

remove my hood!

and get that door off!

stay tuned.


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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Personally I'd keep the BBS's, I think they improve practically any car.



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mkeeley said

Personally I'd keep the BBS's, I think they improve practically any car.

Agreed :)

nice job you've got on there!


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If i remove the BBSs, I'll replace with BBSs.  

Though I fancy either RMs, or coloured centres.

Thanks for the comments.

Full update tomorrow (once I've done stuff :))

Oh…happy days….


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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as some of you may know i couldn't wait till today ( my weekly day of resto) to start this week, so had my rocker cover out and sanded last night.  

Here's a photo update of some of the other stuff I got up to…

Rocker Cover before shot, it's just not good enough !!

To remove timing belt cover, put an allen key here, and phone your strongest friend.

Last thing I sanded was some wood in tech….(it's been almost 10 years!!)

Put the masking tape methodical approach in play, and already have forgotten where this comes from!?!? Please help…it must be something on the bonnet? but the washer jet's on the other side?

My new radiator arrived as I was pottering about….can you guess which one is new?

My completed rocker cover with new polished nuts :)  Not too sure on the matt black as it seems more grey, your thoughts please…

Removed the fan from my radiator….boggin'

fan housing also in need of some TLC….

Dirty parts get a bath :)

While fan housing gets sanded :)

and then primed mmmmm, it looks like new!!

Like my clean fan !!!

Notice my work area is becoming more and more cluttered :)

Halfords and Tesco Extra Staff know my name and I don't even live here!!

I also started some bodywork resto today….after purchasing some filler!

I have no idea what I'm doing but thought, worst case scenario - I'll get a new door!!! and best case scenario…I can repair all the bodywork myself before it gets sprayed.

There is something so satisfying about doing more myself….also, I'm finding that other people's lack of confidence only pushes me further and makes me want to do more and quicker!

told my girlfriend I'm taking her to Como next year in Dreamboat 3000 to make sure this is seen through to a beauty reborn!

Thanks for Watching.


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

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Made a good start there buddy! and a helping hand is always good if only for motivation.

You wanna see my workspace, its like someone really did disassemble Johnny 5.

Dont let anyones lack of confidence phase you mate, I get it constantly of my mate's. but they'l be laughing on the other side of they're faces when your done!!

Keep up the good work fella!!


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Hello and welcome to another episode of "What Tony did next"

Didn't get much done on Tuesday there, as the one job i had to do took forever.

Started off by putting final coat on my fan cowling…

then ordered a new temp switch as I couldn't get the switch out the old radiator.

then i set out replacing this….

with this…

tried to make a timelapse video of the job (cos they're cool) but discovered after 2 hours coving myself in oil, that it hadn't worked.

so here's the finished job…

and here's the mess i made :)

new filter :)

well that was it….ordered millions of new parts !!

need to make this look less old

perhaps something in here can help :)

Christmas come early

next week i'll be putting back together my radiator and fan, putting my rocker cover and timing belt cover back on, putting in my new thermostat and replacing my fuel filter and spark plugs.

Then I'll start work on my fuel tank, pump, filler neck etc. before checking she's running sweet and then starting on my suspension/brakes

sorting interior, paintjob, ICE, and before you know it I'll be fitting my new badge from Bouchay :)

I love this hobby!!

Thanks for watching…


'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

Resto =


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crackin work mate, its amazing what a good clean and a fresh lick of paint can do to standard parts, top job! you should be proud! 8)

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc
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