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Mk1 Driver project VNT TURBO DIESEL


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Mk1 Driver project VNT TURBO DIESEL

Seller is 800bhp on ebay.

The IC I used is  this one

You wont get it as tight to the slam panel as I have without deleting or modifying the bonnet catch.


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Paint defects are irrelevant now, because having fitted the panels back on, it obvious that the new batch of paint is not even close in shade to the paint used on the rest of the car.

I could probably live with a slight difference….but this paint is a different colour!

I've ordered 2 litres from the supplier of the original paint - I'll re-do the three panels, if it still isn't right I'll do the whole car. I really don't fancy flatting the whole car yet again.

In the meantime I've fitted the lower front grille bits

And painted the 'rare' red grille trim a much nicer colour, this was fun, the aerosol blocked after 3 seconds of use and I had to decant the whole can into a gun - anyone ever done this? aerosol paint is like water and it boils for ages as the gas is given off violently.

Nice and bright.  8)


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Quality work mate. Look forward to the finished project. :wink:

Diesel Possessed




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110% naffed off with flatting paint, I've gone back to the drawing board, literally.
Produced the final plot for my PCB

A bit of bench prototyping showed that an output to drive the revcounter wasn't quite up to the job, which meant adding in a buffer stage - unity gain amp. Thankfully there was a spare one on the board but getting tracks to it meant reworking half the board again. I lost a few links in the process and made it smaller so it's a result! :music:

Yeah - I know it looks bigger - it aint, and no they aren't that fuzzy, that's bitmap compression for you.

Aware of rapidly approaching winter, I had a half day booked to spray my panels this week but an ice skating incident meant I couldn't prep them - besides the weather was awful.
This morning was bright and sunny, sod the house and kids, the car gets priority today.
I got prepping, still had half a door and tailgate unprepped.
Rapidly running out of time as the sun was starting to sink again, I managed to shoot the panels - and they are the right white. Finish was pretty good, even with the hasty prep.


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Nice work! Really enjoying watching it progress… 8)



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Where are you getting the Engine Re-built?

Diesel Possessed




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I've not touched the block, everything has been checked over.

The motor - like everything else on the car - is being built up by me.


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Some less geeky progress now…

Cleaned all the rubbish and flatted down a bit in the boot

Gave it a spray,

Hurrah, paint done  8O , time to fit the interior…..:D


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Had one of the best buys ever last week - a winter overall from LIDL for £17, it's well made, lined and so makes loads of difference, I was there when the shop opened to get one and went back to get another 2 hrs later and they were all gone.

Also bought some Ford clocks, brand new 0 miles. Soon ruined them :lol: … working out what frequencies they need to drive them, got the revcounter done, need to modify the speedo. Hopefully it'll all fit in a mk1 housing. I can't use standard clocks because of the digital drives - no I can't swap back to cable.

Started to put he headlining in, ignored advice and did it my usual way, fitted the back, pulled the front taut and glued that, held nicely by bulldog clips bought from staples.

then did the side, I'm well happy, no creases or sags.  :D


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I had to push the car out of the garage the other night to get up into the loft and get the seats and carpets down. I got a few pictures in the dark, not great but enough for a sneaky peek

Another pic didn't pick up the green at all well but I like grille setup and the genuine forged intercooler.  :wink:

some of the interior is in

it's got to come out a bit as I want to run the loom and battery leads slightly differently. Also started to carpet out the boot space.

Got the rear end sorted.


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HI there
snowed here today so ahve spent my arfternoon reading you thread.
Abso amazing looks so good. Cant wait to see it done


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me too cant wait to see the finished car too….

Love Diesels

Diesel Possessed




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It snowed here too, I got creative….


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Very good!! Is that a burger in his hand lol!

Oh and good progress with the mk1 to, loving the use of the ford clocks :D


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Retro retrims sorted me out with some b pillar trims, I finally got them fitted and with a bit of help from KY jelly, the rear windows slipped in nicely.

Also got the front screen fitted with a bit of a fight :)

I made a decent window channel from two rusty ones, used another bit to add a support bracket to the wiper mechanism.
The custom brake pedal had to be reworked for position. These bits and a few others needed to be re-finished.

Tonight I borrowed my boys beach shelter, added a fan heater and light and created a mini spray booth,

To complete the mini theme, I bought a Bergen mini spray gun from fleabay and it's great for little jobs.


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The headling is good man

Is it a off the shelf item ???

Diesel Possessed




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I got the roof lining and the pillar trims from Chris at Retro Retrims in Smethwick

It's good quality, was a great price and available in any colour - 0121 544 4514

And no - I've not got interest in his company, just very happy with the service and the product.

edit: why don't those tags work????


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Cheers for the info mate :wink:

Diesel Possessed




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Love the spray booth! ;)



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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bored of marital bliss?

Wash your VW bits in the bath…

For added effect, chose the day after she has spent several hours cleaning the bathroom ;)
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