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Mars red 83 GTI AHN 502Y


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Mars red 83 GTI AHN 502Y

Drapoon said

Ta buddy. i feel like u have violated my poor little car but i will let u off lol. the hard work starts now :P

LOL - it's ok, it's safe now  :lol:

You must be chuffed to bits, I would be at seeing that



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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 :o  :o  My god, she looks FANTASTIC  :o  :o

Your paint guy has done an amazing job, what a stunner :wub:  :wub:

Enjoy Building her back up mate!! :)


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New paintwork looks superb. You must be well pleased.


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Thanks for the positive comments fellas

Feels a bit surreal at the moment hopefully I will get some close up photos on friday.

Going to be fun applying the decals, getting the headlining in and glass which are my next jobs

Mars red Tin top 83' gti in progress


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stunning mate, bet you cant wait to see it in the flesh 


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Absolutely stunning, I'm immensely jealous  :thumbs: :cool: :wub:   


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A bit of an update on the car is due…

Went to see the car Friday & I am really happy with the finish - it looks fantastic!

Time is of the essence to get it back home so without further a do the rebuild satarted early saturday morning in order to get it to a rolling shell. It was hard work and a few bits did not go to plan….ball joints are not fully seated (guess I need a press?) handbrake cable is too thick to pass through the guides on the chassis! and lastly the new wheel bolts I bought are too long for the rear drums so will need shortening!

Headlining and sunroof are going in tuesday then hopefully followed by glass and I can get the car packed off home.

So some photographs to keep things interesting:


Boxes of kit ready to be ripped open!

Day one done!

Mars red Tin top 83' gti in progress


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Looks incedible  :thumbs:

Must be so nice to start the rebuild  :cool:



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 :wub:  :wub: Gorgeous :wub:  :wub:


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Looking great excellent work, hope the rebuild goes to plan.
The alternator adjuster is a great idea, I'm always pissin about with mine.
Can you give some more detail about it thanx


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Thanks chaps hoping I get a good day at it tomorrow so more progress to follow. 
I cant take all the credit for the alternator idea, my mate has one on his escort mexico they are sold on ebay by harris performance @£25 and advertised as such for classics fords. works a treat well made and best of all come in different colours!

Mars red Tin top 83' gti in progress


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This get's better every time I see it! You must have been so chuffed to see it in the flesh  :thumbs:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Good morning

A few updates on the old golf, she has been fighting me all the way this week & have realised it perhaps won't go back as easy as it came apart!

I had a really busy week last week getting the shell rolling, I then planned to get all the glass bar the rear tailgate in but things did not quite go to plan

I booked two days off work & set about the door runners, rubbers & latches, bonnet latch, sunroof fixings etc

Top tip: anything new and with nickel plating will probably prove to have a few microns of plating on the threads rendering them tight as hell!  

The trimmer came to do the headlining and this proved a longer job than he & I anticipated but it is in now and looks fantastic.

The front windscreen proved too tight & after 3 attempts I gave up!

Door glass is super tight on the runners so need to do some fettling there

Handbrake cable would not fit in the guides, checked with a spare set I had and they were the same diameter so had to drill them out a smidge

The good news is she is back home (well at my mums temporarily) and luckily just fits in the garage - some photos!

To round the week off we decided to go to the Practical Classics Restoration show @ the NEC on Sunday. My wife was only really interested in one thing & that was meeting Ed China & Mike Brewer…mission accomplished. As my little boy was wearing his mk1 owners club baby grow Mike picked up on this & told me about the filming he did with the club. Really nice chaps!

Mars red Tin top 83' gti in progress


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Stunning mate, coming along great


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Wow, despite the frustrations you must be really chuffed to bits with that! Nice of Mike to mention the club - I love the way your son is gawping up at Ed!  :lol:  :thumbs:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Cheers guys. yes I am chuffed and despite the frustrations I am happy with progress. Had to have a little word with myself to not rush things due to my impatience…I can hear my late father saying " your trouble is you want everything done straightaway, calm down" and he was always right!
I don't think Jack has ever met such a tall chap as Ed, he really is a unit!
Mike said "little does your son know he will be inheriting one of the best cars of all time"
top lads!

Mars red Tin top 83' gti in progress


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Nice one!  :thumbs:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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great thread car turned out awesome cant wait to see it finished!!


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i have lost count of how many sex wees i have done….. :wub:am just loving the build  :thumbs:can also say that the arches from funk are top quality……nowhere near to installing them mind lol

Last edit: by mk1_Dips


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rebuild is looking great. love the aerial photo  :thumbs:

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