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Lady G as our lass has named her


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1984 "Lady G" as our lass has named her

Oh yeah.  Got rammed by a stolen car whilst at work and my necks friggin killin too

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Long time since I posted on here and not a great deal done until this week.  Wedding over so now its time to do something I like.

Until this week the only developments were having the doors prepped (holes for the mid level trim removed), tailgate smoothed and prepped, and the bonnet has been prepped.

My mate who's a steel fabricator has a few days spare so we've hammered on

Replacement front wings have had the mid level trim holes welded up

Took the offside sill off as it was pretty much all rotten

Ended up having to replace panels in the floor prior to fitting new sill

New sill offered up

And now in place and all welds tidied

Scuttle tray removed

Battery tray removed

Knowing the rear arches had been replaced at some point (because you could see the spot welds through the paint!) I ground back to find that they had been placed over the original arches, and 6mm of filler used to try and cover up.

And here's what I found after removing the previous 'repair' work

So inner arches on order and hopefully arriving tomorrow.  Aiming to have one arch fitted tomorrow.

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Good Going mate

Diesel Possessed




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Cheers. Needed to get thr project moving again

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Good to see this updated.

keep on.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Yesterdays update is that the rear arch has been replaced both inside and out and the holes for the side trim welded up and smoothed out.  Then came the beer and curly wurlys so a late night saw the front panel going on too.  Pictures of that tomorrow

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Corpious amounts of beer and curly wurlys meant a late night sesh last night.  Loads done

front end on

Front and rear offside arches shutz'd

The doors gone on but then we found that the roof gutter had corroded at the end under the paint  :banghead:

Probably just as well I get the weekend away from it and get to go to work

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More pictures of this weeks work.  Thank god my mate knows his stuff.

Rear end prior to small light conversion (to be completed next week)

Sunroof removed and more rust  :banghead:

Love the old sunroof.  Gonna try to save it as much as possible but it will be difficult

SHUTZ! Love the stuff so much that ive covered myself in it


Getting there.  Now things have changed though.  Colorwise and engine wise.  Need a BAM

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your mate

i say your lady g looks brilliant.
 its a good job your mate is amazin and likes welding burns.
who might it be???????????????
buy that man a prostitute!!!


keep at it mate it will only get better

lots of love
jonny corrosion x


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Cheers dude. Its a good job he does it for a living cos my welding is shite

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Welding complete at last.  Thought it was never going to end

Took the spare wheel well out as it was rotten as

Nice shiney plate now

Rear panel off

New rear panel on and those small lights fitted

Looking sweet so now to get on with the filling and sanding

Already made a start on the engine bay

Need to make a final decision on what powerplant to use.  Original which was refurbed 3 years ago and will cost nothing, or 20vt which will cost a grand all in

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Been a while since last posting.  Went and picked some pslots up from smit earlier and he shamed me into updating the thread.
Been doing plenty but not a great deal of results to show but here goes

Smoothed both rear end rain gutters

Shutzed the lower part of the engine bay for added protection

Fire wall has been smoothed and s.o have the pits left from removing the scuttle

Not the best photos because my camera died so had to use my phone.  Heres the results so far

Ive also reconditioned the rear axel and polybushed the axle mounts

Ive had engine mounts, cam belt cover etc. blasted and powdercoated but no photos taken and wouldnt want to bore everyone to death.  Shes now a rolling shell and off to painters Thursday.  On with the engine next.  Thinking wrinkle VHT paint for something different.  The instructions recommend baking the paint for best finish so when wifey went to tesco's I thought I'd try fitting the gearbox in the oven.  Wifey came back early and wasnt impressed.  It didnt fit anyway so plan b is the utilise a diesel powered garage heater that Ive spied in my mates garage

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Photos of engine bay do look sh!t.  Ill charge the camera and take some better ones tomorrow

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Here's some better pics of the engine bay.  Offside complete now as far as Im going to take it.  Nearside to be completed tomorrow

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Engine bay is now done as far as Im going to take it


Off to the painters later so she'll finally be out of my way.  Time to start on the engine.  Im thinking of getting the gearbox reconditioned whilst its off as there was some oil in an area where there shouldnt be any.  Also I might try the hand at reconditioning the engine to make sure everything is spot on.

Coilovers is a decision to be made too as I appreciate that they wont be as comfy as standard shocks but I do want some comfort and would like to keep my spine in place.  Ive posted a question in the running gear section about this

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For now to come back in a couple of months all shiny

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awesome work mate, great build looking forward to more pics :)

Click on the link below to see my mk1 16v project…-16v-project#post_1081899


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Playing on photoshop, Ive managed to create whats on my mind for the conclusion of this project.

Our Gert however has practically bought a bug for £400, calling it 'my next project'.  And it all stems from using my mates bug for our wedding car.  Picture here, again photoshopped by me

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Not much happened really other than getting the engine on a stand which was a right tw T .

Was looking at getting a sandblasting attachment so I can blast the block but only got a 2hp compressor so may have to think again.

Betty the bug has now joined us thanks to our gert

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This week, I've got a sandblaster.  Then engine and other parts are for it!

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