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Bit Of Mirror Polishing PG39


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My Rivage Restoration

geestur said

must be a great feeling going in and seeing good progress espically when you get it back all done.

My Misses had a pair like that until she knocked out 2 kids  8O….your sig!

Restored 1961 Mk1 Mini Misses drives a 10 plate bmw mini cooper d sports pack Me drives a 61 plated C220 CDI Restored 1960\'s forecourt petrol pump 1964 P4 Rover 110 resorted by my dad 23 years ago On the look out for LBD 376Y


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Mortz said

A bit here an there  8) …gonna look worse before it gets better….im confident you will be more than pleased with the finished result…you will need to make it clear what you want removing off your car apart from the obvious otherwise they won't do it…looking forward to some updates  :wink:

Yeah Mal asked me earlier if I wanted certain things removed and I asked for a few other bits to be done aswell.

Cant wait to go over next week for a look now  :D

Like I said before, if it comes out anywhere near as good as yours ill be a happy man.


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The difference between mine and your's…..mine went down pretty much stripped so he knew what he was working with…yours on the other hand looks very tidy as is….Mal's garage is not in the habit of tucking anyone up…if he feels summit should be looked it he will let you know….then it's up to you…..totally a fair bloke.. :D

Restored 1961 Mk1 Mini Misses drives a 10 plate bmw mini cooper d sports pack Me drives a 61 plated C220 CDI Restored 1960\'s forecourt petrol pump 1964 P4 Rover 110 resorted by my dad 23 years ago On the look out for LBD 376Y


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Completly agree mate.

Correct me if im wrong but did a bloke called Terry Webb spray yours?


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Err don't know…he was a young-ish chap…who pops off to afganistan now and again to kill off some Rag edd's…think terry is the older chap who painted my mini

Restored 1961 Mk1 Mini Misses drives a 10 plate bmw mini cooper d sports pack Me drives a 61 plated C220 CDI Restored 1960\'s forecourt petrol pump 1964 P4 Rover 110 resorted by my dad 23 years ago On the look out for LBD 376Y


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Lmao at that description.

Was you happy with Terrys work?


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Pmsl...yes indeed....If Terry is the older chap with a grey short hair and a tush....I was very happy with his work..

Restored 1961 Mk1 Mini Misses drives a 10 plate bmw mini cooper d sports pack Me drives a 61 plated C220 CDI Restored 1960\'s forecourt petrol pump 1964 P4 Rover 110 resorted by my dad 23 years ago On the look out for LBD 376Y


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Thats the guy lol.

Hes going to spray mine.

Hes very good friends with my soon to be father in law.

Thats how I come about taking it to Mals.


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ahh top bloke...well old will be pleased!

Restored 1961 Mk1 Mini Misses drives a 10 plate bmw mini cooper d sports pack Me drives a 61 plated C220 CDI Restored 1960\'s forecourt petrol pump 1964 P4 Rover 110 resorted by my dad 23 years ago On the look out for LBD 376Y


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Sprayed my front and rear badges today ready to fit the refurb kit from 'chortle'

I will proberly respray the front grill badge again as im not 100% happy with it.

Just got the side karmann badges to do now.

Last edit: by BigNormRivage


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Had a bit of spare time today (while my new puppy was sleeping) so I decided to fit the badge refurb kit I had from chortle to the rear badges.

Took longer to do than planned as there quite fidley to get in the right position.

Once each badge was complete I made sure they were firmly in place before applying a few coats of clear laquer. I will give them a few more coats before re-fitting.

If your badges are like mine were then I would highly recommend the kit.


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look mint mate, top work, isnt it satisfying when you finish applying the kit :-)

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richyhill said

look mint mate, top work, isnt it satisfying when you finish applying the kit :-)

Its weird Rich, when the stickers are on the backing they dont jump out at you but they look completly different once fitted.

Not looking forward to doing the karmann ones, they look really fidley.


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Karmann ones are easy as the bit of tape on the front sorts it all out for you !!

My Karmann, Golf GTI and Vw stickers are all still great but the Volkswagen one has dog eared at the corners so I have another kit from Carl to do it this Springtime.



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Make sure you put quite a few coats of clear laquer on Chris.

Failing that the kits are a reasonable price if they need doing more than once.


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really good job on the badges! I've got to do this as I've got the kit! Any tips?
cheers, Matt


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Cheers mate.

All I did was sand them back, gave them a few coats of satin black paint. Left to dry overnight on a warm radiator. Then applied them one at a time using a tweezers as I found it awkward using my fingers. Plus using a tweezers stops any oils from your skin getting in the sticker and making them less sticky.

Dont apply to much pressure incase you dont get it lined up first go.

Once there all on apply a few coats of clear laquer to seal them in.


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did you primer the badges first? I've got to do my front GTI grill badge and the karmann badges being putting it off as I'm not great with intricate things!


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No I didnt bother with primer mate.

Done a few badges in the past without doing it.

Just make sure you give them a good sanding so the paint has something to stick to.

Without primer it will just take more layers of paint to hide the sanding marks.

I hate doing things like this but found using a tweezers much easier.

The first letter I put on was using my fingers and found it really awkward.

Used a tweezers and flew through the rest then.

Just make sure you press the edges down firmly after each one just to help them stick.


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cheers for the tips! i'll give them a go!

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