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(In Topic #99459)

Old Timer

Are you local?
Thought I'd start a thread for my golf, which I've owned for little over a week. It's an '89 Clipper, and his name is Hermann's Denkmal.
It's been more or less spot on so far, a few stalling issues which may be down to a slighly worn carb, as the service history revealed it's had work to correct idling problems done in February.
Anyway, this weekend I've changed the carb flange and put a dubious new top mount in (more on that in the pics) and scrubbed my headliner, it was fairly tatty.
Anyway, the car's pretty straight and I'm really happy with it, getting used to the lack of power steering still

This is Hermann

And this is his Denkmal

Interior fabric needs a good shampoo but is remarkably good!

The headlining was thoroughly sessioned today. Rear pillar beforehand:

Grubbiness on the right, elbow grease on the left:

Now here's the thing with the strut mounts. I replaced the offside mount today, though unfortunately forgot to take a pic of it before it came off, but I do have a picture of the nearside mount. The gap isn't quite as bad, but nearly there:

I got the new one on the strut, put the strut back in and as soon as did the bolts up I noticed that it looked like this.

It was a full Topran kit from GSF, w/ bumpstop etc. Looked fine before it went on, though is obviously now a bit gappy, which is what's bothering me.
Have I made a really obvious error that I'm not spotting, or is this a dodgy mount, or does it just need time to settle? Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Anyway, back to sunshine and ting. Here's one last pic of the car. Next on the agenda are brakes and a Weber when funds allow, though thursday's house move will put quite a delay on that!

Guest user
what did you clean the vinyl inner roof with?

Old Timer

It took bleeding ages, and it's effectiveness depends on how much effort you put in - I'm not quite finished yet

Moisten the brush a little bit, rub it on the soap, scrub the headliner, wipe it away with a damp cloth, then dry it off. Best done in small patches. Should be able to watch the dirt lift right off. You need to keep rinsing off the cloth though otherwise the dirt/soap will build up on it and you'll just end up spreading the dirty suds around.
Don't get me wrong though, there were some marks that wouldn't come out, and as you get tired it'll get patchy so it's no miracle cure but it was pretty effective for me.
Hope that helps!
Guest user
i'll get me a nail brush!

Old Timer


Old Timer

Alpine White LHD ("SOLD")
Alpine White LHD ("SOLD")

Old Timer

They're cheaper than the one I bought too. Typical!

Probably change them both in a couple of weeks

Settling In

Lick my Decals off baby!

Local Hero

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time"

Local Hero


crazyquiff said
Those mounts look fine - they are no good when you can get your little finger between the rubber and meatal top.
Nice looking cabby 8)
Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts

Old Timer

Andy I did get a weber on a little while ago but I need to buy yet another mounting stud for it as I cross threaded the first one and then snapped the second.
Aside from that it was super easy to get on and now I've had the car on a CO meter and sorted the fuelling out it seems to be ok. It was doing 29mpg with 10% CO last week 8O
I would love to get it lowered and on the widest wheels I can manage to steer (only choice with a clipper kit - even though I don't really like it) but I've spent stupid money on just keeping it going that it's not happened yet. Possibly next year when I get some freelance dollar in.
I've also been toying with the idea of a rattle can respray - but I don't think i have the plums for it…
Settling In

I'd say unless the bodywork is really bad then keep it as is.
Lick my Decals off baby!
Settling In

tyeness said
Cheers fellas.
Andy I did get a weber on a little while ago but I need to buy yet another mounting stud for it as I cross threaded the first one and then snapped the second.
Aside from that it was super easy to get on and now I've had the car on a CO meter and sorted the fuelling out it seems to be ok. It was doing 29mpg with 10% CO last week 8O
I would love to get it lowered and on the widest wheels I can manage to steer (only choice with a clipper kit - even though I don't really like it) but I've spent stupid money on just keeping it going that it's not happened yet. Possibly next year when I get some freelance dollar in.
I've also been toying with the idea of a rattle can respray - but I don't think i have the plums for it…
Just hurry up and get it done


Old Timer

The bladdy freelance job I was doing to fund coils went and fell through, so I got no dollar!
Go wrap yer manifold will ya :mrgreen:
Settling In

tyeness said
Ha ha oi you cheeky sod!
The bladdy freelance job I was doing to fund coils went and fell through, so I got no dollar!
Go wrap yer manifold will ya :mrgreen:
gutted dude

just ordered my tie wraps to do it with !!

Old Timer

Settling In

tyeness said
Coolness, you hoping to have it done before the pod? What's the event this weekend?
Nope not going to do it before the weekend.
Is flame and thunder this weekend


Old Timer

Lost all my oil on Saturday, and I'm advised that it's Crank/Cam/Dizzy shaft seal. New bits have been ordered so I'll be cracking on with it on Saturday come hell or high water, using the JSeaman guide for the cam belt stuff.

I ordered the seals from GSF and VW, though the weird part is that VW seem to think my car doesn't have a distributor shaft, and GSF said they didn't carry a seal for it.
Does anyone have a part number that I can ring VW back with??
The car has a 1.8 EX lump and is carbed up.
Might post some piccies up on Saturday, though I'll probably forget

Settling In

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