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Search function not working?


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I'm trying to search for some stuff, but all this gobble-de-goop comes up, like an error. Anyone having problems?


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Search has been working ok for me, a few more options to work with than the old site but no errors or anything



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Can you paste up what you are getting? It will help the web guys determine your problem.



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Critical error – bailing out

This is an error that has been elevated to critical error status because it occurred during the primary error mechanism reporting system itself (possibly due to it occuring within the standard output framework). It may be masking a secondary error that occurred before this, but was never output - if so, it is likely strongly related to this one, thus fixing this will fix the other.PHP NOTICE [8] Undefined variable: order_by in sources/database_search.php on line 709 (version: 9.0.4, PHP version: 5.3.20, URL: /data/iframe.php?zone=&utheme=V9MK1OC&page=search&type=results&id=ocf_posts&specific=1&content=pirelli+p&author=&days=365&sort=relevance&direction=DESC&search_under=)Details here are intended only for the website/system-administrator, not for regular website users.
» If you are a regular website user, please let the website staff deal with this problem.

Depending on the error, and only if the website installation finished, you may need to edit the installation options (the info.php file).
ocProducts maintains full documentation for all procedures and tools. These may be found on the ocPortal website. If you are unable to easily solve this problem, we may be contacted from our website and can help resolve it for you.
ocPortal is a CMS for building websites, developed by ocProducts.


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Also, when searching google and a match comes up that links to this site, you click it and the main homepage comes up, not the link to the thing you were searching for.


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I'm getting the same isues too. Same message displayed when making a forum search.


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The google indexing just takes time - anything up to 4 weeks to scan the whole site again.
Any old links in the goggle search will just get redirected to the sites main page as you have seen - rather than it look like the site has gone away.

Can you both tell me exactly what you searched for, including the options you ticked. I can then work backwards to try and see why the error is occurring.

Also I had to correct a server issue today, so you may of coincided with that.

Sorry if it has caused you any inconvenience as we iron out a few niggles that we have with the site.




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I searched for 'pirelli p' ticking a 365 days search.


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No need to apologise, like you say its just a few niggles.
I searched 'cv boot' submitted within the previous as 'N/A'.


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Ok thanks guys - it appears that some tweaks that were done last night have broken the search capability.
I have reported it now and hopefully it will get fixed asap.




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This is now fixed !!



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