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Why can I not get a bold topic title?

Thanks again  :wub:


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EW, thanks for the clarification of the current pinning system. Your input is much appreciated.

Whilst I think it is a good idea to have your own or any other members project you are interested in pinned for private use, I am a bit uncomfortable about having my project pinned for all to see, particularly when I might not be making any progress for whatever reason.

To see 15 pinned topics clogging the system before being able to view any new topics might get a bit boring for some members.

You say the default display is 30 topics, mine for some reason is set to 20, so only 5 topics would be seen.

The reason I pinned my own topic was because I could not easily find it on the new website, particularly if I had not updated the thread for a while.

When searching, I do not seem to get the whole menu on the right for the Members Account Details / Search at the top of the Forum Home screen. "My involved topics" is barely visible with half or more below the box.

As you say these are quite clearly teething problems and can be addressed in due course.


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