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another mk1 cabby seen in birmingham, i must have good eyes


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another mk1 cabby seen in birmingham, i must have good eyes

another mk1 cabby seen in birmingham, i  must have good eyes

blue , j reg seen on shireland rd smethwick, outside the roti junction, i was in my red clpper.

this is the 6th clipper ive seen in the last week

whats happening  :dontknow:  :dontknow:  :dontknow:

1983(Y) VW GOLF GTi



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Birmingham Cabby's

I have an all red Karmann Gti cabby '89, live in erdington, I see another one regularly with a black roof nice & tidy.   :lol:


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mines a k reg, not the normal bright red, slightly moded

1983(Y) VW GOLF GTi

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