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Hydraulic clutch resevoir


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Hi, can anyone see any reason why i couldnt use this brake reservoir to feed my hydraulic clutch master cylinder I've had welded onto my steering column?. I've got a mk2 16v golf master cylinder and servo and rather than mount a separate reservoir I was going try and find a reservoir with an extra outlet like this one;


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As long as the reservoir is higher than the clutch m/cylinder i see no reason you cannot use it, thats what its for, isnt it. Personally i like to keep them seperate.


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abfmk1 said

As long as the reservoir is higher than the clutch m/cylinder i see no reason you cannot use it, thats what its for, isnt it. Personally i like to keep them seperate.

That one does have the feature that the outlet for the clutch is higher than the brakes, thus if there was a leak in the clutch side the brakes would still work.



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 Yea that's what its for like you say I just couldn't remember if it would physically fit with the outlet on the wrong side. Just have to work out where to route the feed hose to the master cylinder then, cheers.
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