Now the fun really begins
(In Topic #224784)

Settled In

Road legal at last
I guess now my car has passed the mot and I'm all road-legal the fun begins.
I went out for a spin yesterday done around 20 miles and she pulled great no issues.
today i went around 3 miles and noticed several issues.
Firstly she seemed to rev to high before going into 3 rd gear, but believe when she was warmed up the gear change did improve.
secondly, i started to hear a fast clicking almost like a relay click, from within the car and when i pressed the accelerator she started to die, there where serious lack of power, only for around 500m before i got her on the drive, she sounded fine when home but worried now, checked all the relays and they seem to be fine.
any ideas guys
Local Hero


Settled In

Local Hero

There are probably a million posts on how to clean the tank out already……
ETA not sure if an 88 carb has an in-tank pump or not! But in any case…its sucking up some rubbish
Last edit: by paul_c

Settled In

You dont think its carb icing do you ?

Old Timer

Local Hero

Local Hero

okmate said
Thanks Pal
You dont think its carb icing do you ?
Nope! Its above the exhaust manifold and there's a hedgehog in there too.

Settled In

Local Hero

Local Hero

Unfortunately the permanent fix is to clean out the fuel tank and lines etc.
Fuel filler neck could be rusty too.

Settled In


Settled In

My plan is to undo the lines and inspect and blow out with compressed air.

Local Hero

Don't fall for the 'you just need a magnet on a string', if the filler pipe rotted its got rust, muck and water in the tank, only 1 of which is vaguely metallic.
Seeing has your car has a new filler pipe(?) and new fuel pump and starts runs stops, wait a while restarts etc These are all symtoms/attempted fixes for the above.
Check in the tank so you know what you are dealing with.
1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet
The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet
The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.

Settled In

Local Hero

Some carburettors have a send and return. Others just have a send, but the Mk1 Golf should have a fuel vapour separator after the fuel pump, which has a return line on it.
Local Hero

1988 Mk1 Golf GTi Cabriolet 1.8cc DX, K-jet. Daily drive. 317,000 miles and counting
1978 Mk1 Scirocco GLS 1.6cc FR, Webber carb. Weekend toy.
1978 Mk1 Scirocco GLS 1.6cc FR, Webber carb. Weekend toy.

Settled In


Local Hero

mark1gls said
You don't need a compressor to blow down the fuel lines, remove the fuel filter and blow down the fuel line into the fuel tank (I just use my mouth) and you should hear bubbles from the tank.
I love the taste of fuel in the Morning, Right before I have a cup of coffee and a smoke…..

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