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KR water sensor/sendor help


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I'm after the water sensors and sendors for 1.816v KR engine under the dizzy 3/4 of them. I am running k jet it never came with my engine so don't know what I need


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Any info would be good


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are you running standard k jet?


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I think 3 of them are the same type of water temp sensors but one is the thermo time switch for your 5th injector, the dx one should fit but not tried myself.

 you may not need one sensor if you are not using mk2 idle valve. I can get a pic of the wiring if you need it

 also the dash temp guage sensor is on the back of the head so check that its fitted   


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As above, 3 temp senders with black collars, 1 is for ecu, 1 is ISV and one is dash temp gauge, one on the back of the head is oil temp though


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That's spot on thanks I am running k jet does anybody have a part number for the thermo switch I can find one thanks


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Spot on thanks 


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to confirm the above the 16v thermoswitch is the same as the mk1 gti kjet one :)

the 3 coolant sensors are the same rating, and are also the same as the mk1 dash temp sensor. so you need 3x black collar spade ones

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Thanks that's why mine didn't start in the cold, I need one still
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