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Oil pressure light flashing


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Sorry for all the posts but there are many things to ask…
Ever since ive had my little 1.3 there was a wire that was grounded that i never thought should be to the engine block and next to it was a blue sensor with nothing connected to it. I was told the wire should be connected and i now know why it was grounded… just to turn the oil pressure light off -.- so either there is a problem or the switches are wired up wrong?

The blue switch has a blue and black wire and the green just a yellow wire, is this correct?


'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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Oh and head gasket seems to have gone :(

On my way to Uttoxeter coolant temp went right up, smoke came out of exhaust and wasnt running on all cylinders…

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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Not having much look mate, ill have alook at my wiring and take a photo and put it on for you.
Maybe monday tuesday tho.

You going to sort the engine out or do a engine swap upgarde?




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Cheers, I know it just keeps getting worse! Don't know :/ I want something more modern but need the cheap insurance (I'm 17)

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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mazza411 said

Cheers, I know it just keeps getting worse! Don't know :/ I want something more modern but need the cheap insurance (I'm 17)
If you do repair it the bonus is you know it's right. You could swap for a polo gt and find issues down the line with the new engine. 


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could be the 2 switches are the wrong way round, in a mk1 yellow is usually the low pressure switch and blue/black high pressure.

though looking at it 1 wire is grteen/black? if so not sure what thats for. some early mk1 only have 1 pressure switch btw

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

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Just check and mine is the same as you have it yellow on the right.

Ill put a 


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Thanks, that looks like its wired up right so i might get some new switches and see if that helps, does anyone know which switch runs at what pressure as there are several ones available from different places which is confusing and the haynes doesnt say anything…
Although the head gasket problem is top of the priority if anyone can recommend any garages in mansfield/nottingham area that i might be able to limp it to?


'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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rubjonny said

could be the 2 switches are the wrong way round, in a mk1 yellow is usually the low pressure switch and blue/black high pressure.

though looking at it 1 wire is grteen/black? if so not sure what thats for. some early mk1 only have 1 pressure switch btw

I believe its blue and black from looking at the wiring diagram, but could not find the solid yellow wire, is that just another pressure switch because the wiring diagram only says there's is only one oil pressure switch :s

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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I have a gt lump and 5 speed if you need it. Simon on 07940 722558. It's a 1.3 too so insurance should be fine


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Ive been thinking of doing the GT engine conversion, but the current 1.3 is the original and is sound, but the difference in power is interesting lol
is it on inj or carbs Simon?

your crisis may turn into a conversion mazza lol.


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the WIRES are in the right positions, but the SWITCHES are not ;)

look again at madmatts picture, you'll note the yellow wire is going to a brown switch, thats the low oil pressure 0.3bar switch. the brown one is replaced by the blue one so swap that over :) (double check the pressure rating first though! marked on the bottom)

the blue/black wire is going to a white switch, this one is the 1.8bar high pressure. on yours you have a green one but I'm not sure what spec that is but if you undo it you can read the spec from the base. I'd assume though you'll want a 1.8bar switch, but sometimes the small block engines used a black switch 1.4bar (may have replaced the green one) also if the pressure switches are not genuine they could be any colour

as for the wiring very early mk1s are confusing in that the 2nd oil pressure switch wire didn't go via the fusebox, instead it runs to a spade and then direct to the dash clocks. the mfa oil temp instead runs via the fusebox. then on later mk1 the oil and pressure wires were swapped! 2nd pressure went via fusebox, temp went to a spade… and as i say, some early mk1s didnt have the 2nd pressure switch wire at all

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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Hmmm am so tempted by it but as i said insurance wont be on my side for a few years, the only way i could do it was if i was a named driver on a classic policy and then not get any no claims :/

On the wiring… thats very confusing but i will have a look thank you so much!

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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Okay just found out that both those pressure switches are low pressure ones which explains the light flashing! so thanks everyone although i think that my engine is past its best, 170,000 miles on the clock, just noticed that the inlet valves must have been adjusted for exhaust and vice versa because the inlets are wide open and exhaust too closed! :P also the cam seems to be a bit pitted on some of the lobes slightly  O_o

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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yes that certainly looks sub-optimal!

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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I dont know what to do! I dont know if i have the knowledge to do a conversion myself or the tools and dont have the money to pay someone to do it!

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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if you can find another lump the same or similar, then its a case of get/borrow a crane, and a few basic tools swap like for like.

for example i beleive the polo gt lump has the same inlet manifold fitting as yours so it would drop rightin, with the exception of needing an electric fuel pump (or a late polo carb cam)

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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wouldnt i need to do some wiring for the efi on the gt lump? and where would i find an engine because other than the odd ones that pop up on here i cant seem to find any

'83 1.3 Golf Driver GT - Project thread
Instagram - matt.semp


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