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Grinding when coasting


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Grinding when coasting

Hi there,

I've recently started hearing an odd grinding noise from my '88 Clipper as soon as I take my foot off the accelerator.  When I push the clutch in it quietens but there is still a slight whirring noise until I come to a stand still.

At first I thought it was something to do with my speedo cable as I have recently replaced this but I can hear the sound from outside my car when the window's down.

Any ideas what it could be?



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Is it pretty loud? I get a similar noise (clunking/grinding) when I'm going more than 40'ish and I take my foot of the accelerator. Also get it when I'm revesring.

Front passengers can feel it in their seat. Is yours coming from that area?

I thought maybe an exhaust clamp was loose but they all look ok. Do you know if your gearbox has ever been changed? Bearings re-newed?

Thanks, Rory
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