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Attaching Handbrake Cable at Hand Lever?


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Attaching Handbrake Cable at Hand Lever?

Hi there: am hoping someone can offer me advice as I purchased a 1991 Golf Cabriolet just last week, and this morning, when I pulled the handbrake on after parking the car, the cables and the bracket into which they're bolted became disengaged from the handbrake lever. The cables themselves are intact, but I have yet to examine the mechanism to see how the bracket attaches to the handbrake lever proper, and wonder if a club member could offer me the benefit of their experience rather than my blundering ahead blindly with the repair attempt. Thanks in advance for any advice offered, Jim


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basically the two cable bolt onto the bracket, which in effect form a hook, this hooks onto the handbrake lever, now what will probably have happened is the ratchet mechanism at the base of the handbrake lever has spun around (you will be able to tell because the handbrake will not "bite" if it has) if its still "biting" not to worry just loosen off the bracket to the end of the cables and hook it back over the handbrake, then adjust.
If the ratchet has spun and its not "biting" you need to pull the lever right up and try to spin the ratcchet mech 180 degrees, i achieved this with a thin screwdriver. Its pretty simple. Once its spun back around then hold it in place until you lower the handbrake and the ratchet should be working again. Then re attatch the cables, i hope this helps, if its too confusing maybe someone else can advise or you can ask me to explain better? Thanks.


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Thanks for the Information!

Superb! Your description was very clear, and it worked like a charm! Turned out that the ratchet had retained its original orientation, but the bracket had simply slipped off the welded lateral extension from the lever. I wondered whether the small extension at the bottom of that should be bent forward to prevent the bracket from being able to slide down off the extension, but did not want to bend it for fear of it breaking off. I appreciate your investment of time in replying! Cheers, Jim
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