apologies if this has been asked... picture added
(In Topic #79106)

Settling In

apologies if this has been asked... picture added
BUT the BMW bolts that hold the BMW wheels to the BMW are a different shape WHERE THE BOLT PRESSES AGAINST THE WHEEL from the VW bolts which hold the VW wheels to the VW….
Let me put it another way - the shape of the head of the wheel bolts is different. The outer edge of the BMW one is slantier than the VW one.
So what?
Well the profile of the BMW-wheel hole matches this slantier profile - if I put the BMW wheel on the VW, which bolts should I use?
The BMW bolts will suit the profile of the BMW wheel, but they feel very VERY slightly looser in the hub as you tighten them up. But if I use VW bolts, will I be putting too much strain on the point of contact of the VW bolt on the BMW wheel?
I don't want any possibillity of nastiness happening to my beloved Golf.
Or should I get out more?
…advice please.

Settled In

Do you have the 2 different types of bolts, if so can you take a pic so that we can see the difference?
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Settling In

see what I mean? two different opinions, and I can see the worth of both - I'll nip out and take some pictures anyway


Settling In

I know the VW bolt is too short, but I had it lying around rather than taking one off the car
Settled In

Pick the correct one and if too short go and buy a new set of the correct type,will not cost much.

Settling In

can you buy tapered VW bolts?
Settling In

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