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Milton Keynes Meet - 2nd November - Pre-Xmas!!!!


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Milton Keynes Meet - 2nd November - Pre-Xmas!!!! cool facts!

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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Lessy-Jim said

being the resident marine geek i'll answer question 8, in as layman terms as possible.

Live sponges (not the pretend ones given to kids at crimbo) don't 'soak up' water, they siphon it, so the water isn't displaced by the sponge, it sits in almost exactly the same space as it would if the sponge wasn't there.

So there would be negligable more sea if there weren't any sponges.

same answer for icebergs, in case anyone's interested.

geek out.

Ahhhh…. that makes sense…. it's not water related but how do I stop that guy touching me in the cinema?


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"Lessy-jim said

same answer for icebergs, in case anyone's interested.

geek out.

Not true.

Icebergs are both above and under water so if the ice melts the water will rise.

Try this at home. Put 3 ice cubes in a glass and fill with water to the brim. Wait for I ice to melt and you will have a puddle under the glass

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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You've went all genius on us since you just won Member Of The Month father funk…… I don't like it… where's drunk-funk?


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funk-star said

"Lessy-jim said

same answer for icebergs, in case anyone's interested.

geek out.

Not true.

Icebergs are both above and under water so if the ice melts the water will rise.

Try this at home. Put 3 ice cubes in a glass and fill with water to the brim. Wait for I ice to melt and you will have a puddle under the glass

…try it yourself, your very own…Antarctic ice scene

say that like Neil Bukanan off of art attack and you'll understand.

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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funk can do the iceburg test in his pegiun enclosure in his garden



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by the sounds of it he already has!

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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haha, im actually a super nerd, its just hidden by stella artois……im being serious aswell lol

So what do i get for being motm? sticker? tshirt? back rub from brucie?

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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funk-star said

haha, im actually a super nerd, its just hidden by stella artois……im being serious aswell lol

So what do i get for being motm? sticker? tshirt? back rub from brucie?

You'll have to wait and see….. send me your full address….


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cant you just give me it on tuesday?

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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ahhh do i have to?! not sure MOTM is enough! maybe COTM as well, then we'll talk.

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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1. In the cinema…. which armrest is meant to be mine!?!?!? Which one is for the dude next to me as I don't like it when he touches me…. and it's dark in them places   :dontknow:  

I like it when dudes touch me in the dark :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

2. Why is the lone ranger called "Lone" when he always has Tonto with him???

tonto is his lover, thus they are one :wink:

3. Why do they always make the slots in a toaster too small for your bread????…  :banghead:

because you buy your toaster from toys are us!!

4. How can something be "new and improved"….. it's either new OR improved….. you can't improve on something that's new  :banghead:

a new version of a improved item?

5. What happens if one Siamese twin is heterosexual and the other one isn't (as they share body parts  8O ) ….. that's going to be difficult!!

stop trying to get approval for your fantasy!!

6. When does DFS NOT have a sale on  :dontknow:

DFS + Dont buy this FU++ING S++T

7. If Noah took all animals onto the ark (which was made of wood)…. where did he keep the Wood-Peckers and Termites  :dontknow:

Its a little known fact that noah was into beastiality, so he had the termites in hes a55 and he didnt have a wood packer, rather a pecker with wood!!
8. How much deeper would the worlds seas be if sponges didn't grow in them  :dontknow:

how deep is your love?

9. Why do triangle sandwiches taste better than rectangle ones?

MMMMMM little sarnies.

10. Why do you have to click the "Start" button on your computer before you can select the option to turn it off?

im bored now

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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LMAO!! 3 and 5 much funny!

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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funk-star said

cant you just give me it on tuesday?

No as it gets delivered…. need to see how much The Post Office charge these days to send a turd in a box…  :lol:


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Spudfingers said

funk-star said

haha, im actually a super nerd, its just hidden by stella artois……im being serious aswell lol

So what do i get for being motm? sticker? tshirt? back rub from brucie?

You'll have to wait and see….. send me your full address….
don't do funkstar, if you send spuds your address,

the next thing you know;you will have an infestation of small furry animals all over your house.


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You know this  :mrgreen:


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brucieboy said

ahhh with you there Chelle! knight rider was amazin, guilty secret, i like the new on in the mustang too! I actually know some one called michael knight!



GOLF MKII DRIVER - ex took it

GOLF MKII GTI 16V - scrapped



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Spudfingers said

funk-star said

cant you just give me it on tuesday?

No as it gets delivered…. need to see how much The Post Office charge these days to send a turd in a box…  :lol:

I'll text it over later.

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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Spudfingers said

By the way you lot seem like an intelligent bunch so can you help me with some things I've been thinking about?  You can talk amongst yourselves if you want but these are things I've wondered as I've got to the ripe old age of 31:-

1. In the cinema…. which armrest is meant to be mine!?!?!? Which one is for the dude next to me as I don't like it when he touches me…. and it's dark in them places   :dontknow:  

A very good question, best thing to do is go to imax 3d cinema - you get your own arm rests - both of them!!

2. Why is the lone ranger called "Lone" when he always has Tonto with him???

I'll agree they are gay and are one! lol

3. Why do they always make the slots in a toaster too small for your bread????…  :banghead:

im not sure but could be something to do with the confusion with the whole metric system in the toaster making factory, my suggestin would be to swap to crumpets

4. How can something be "new and improved"….. it's either new OR improved….. you can't improve on something that's new  :banghead:

5. What happens if one Siamese twin is heterosexual and the other one isn't (as they share body parts  8O ) ….. that's going to be difficult!!

lol they will keep fit running/chasing!

6. When does DFS NOT have a sale on  :dontknow:

lol we were discussing this at work the other day…. I do actually know the answer…. but have forgotten
7. If Noah took all animals onto the ark (which was made of wood)…. where did he keep the Wood-Peckers and Termites  :dontknow:

one word - evolution - noah is a good story tho :)

8. How much deeper would the worlds seas be if sponges didn't grow in them  :dontknow:

Well when the sea grows, i do know this the last place to stay above water would be northamptonshire lol -

9. Why do triangle sandwiches taste better than rectangle ones?

Thats your inner poshness!

10. Why do you have to click the "Start" button on your computer before you can select the option to turn it off?

Start - the beginning of any process!

its does sound like you have a very stressful life lol


long live bew:)


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funk-star said

[Icebergs are both above and under water so if the ice melts the water will rise.

Try this at home. Put 3 ice cubes in a glass and fill with water to the brim. Wait for I ice to melt and you will have a puddle under the glass

true true, but icebergs and freezer ice aren't comparable.  the weight and makeup of the iceberg means that it displaces it's own volume, while an icecube will noticably increase volume in the finite space of a glass, it is not made up from the same water that was already in the glass it was made up prior to the glass being filled, so infact is adding to the water there not dispersing back into it's originating body.
The resulting volume increase of all seabound arctic/anarctic ice melting would be negligible, in fact the recent shelf disintegrations have increased the sea level so slightly it has been almost lost in the current longer melt phase both poles currently have, this is measured in centimeters not meters.

we would see a 'dramatic' change in sea levels if the landmass ice on all poles and greenland etc were to melt, as these being sat on land do not displace any water and there impact to sea height would be measured in meters.

BEWARE KY05 UCO, blind and deaf white haired driver of red transit, avoid at all costs, he thinks running cars on to the verge is ok. i'm fine, car's fine, mood and make up not so good.
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