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What would you offer for this


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I asked about buying this car a few years ago. Has sat for goodness knows how long. Let's say at least 10 years. Was told they were keeping it for their grandaughter but that strikes me as less and less likely to happen the longer this car sits. It's an A or Y reg, can't remember which. I used to have a black Mk1 and feel drawn to restoring this car. Think it was showing 110k miles. Looks a little bit damp inside, usual torn drivers bolster.

They were nice people and I'm tempted to try again. I want to make a no hassle offer in that I will simply take the car away without fretting about going over it with a fine toothcomb.

Whats the least it's presently realistically worth? The outer body is as good as you could expect ie theres not horrendous holes of rust, just a few blisters around it here and there and the outer sills appear fine. Is it worth £2000 to take a punt?  IMG_5095.JPG


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As you might know I run 'Guess the Asking Price' competition on the forum and an ex VW/Audi salesman from back in the day, although none of that makes me an expert but here's how I see it.

I know the car when it's really up together is worth a lot.
But I know so little about it, I mean I can hardly see it.
Not sure if the owner is interested in selling or knowing what it's worth.

Nice people they maybe but means nothing when it comes down to money! 😉

Now I don't know how good a salesman you are but if it was me I'd talk to the owner and explain nicely that the longer the car sits there the less chance there is of it ever getting back on the road.
Explain about rusting, replacement interior, engine rebuild and a total restoration of the body work. (but do it nicely 😉)

You can say that a full restoration will cost between £5k and 10k!

Try to get the owner to walk over to the car so that you can show him as an example body work and interior.

Watching his reaction all the way during the conversation.

Then based on all of that hit him with a price but once you do that wait for the reaction, then just deal with it as you see fit! 😉

Finally if you're willing to pay £2k what's the worst that can happen? 🤔

Well you own a scrapper and will over time get about a third to a half back if you can be patient! 😉

This is just my approach to it and I'm sure many others will view it differently. 👍🏼

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Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Thanks for your reply.  My thoughts were wondering if almost any complete original Mk1 GTI would fetch about £2000?

I was thinking of approaching it as you suggest. Explaining that realistically a lot of work will be needed, much more than light recommissioning.

But would I be right to ascertain this isn't the case if I could be struggling to return a third to half of that? I felt £2000 might be a tempting figure for them- to give to their grandaughter!

I would say this car strikes me as a decent basis for restoration work


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Personally I wouldn't go on about restoration costs or milking that side of it saying how bad it is- you might offend them and it won't get you on their side. If its complete and fairly rust free I would say its worth more. You've got to go in with an offer higher than the going rate for them to part with it. The problem with the internet is that they can look at similar projects for sale and see all the over inflated asking prices and think thats what its worth where infact the projects they may see have been on the market for months. Inflated asking prices distort the actual market although I still think its worth more than 2K if its rust free and complete.


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Thanks. Pleased to get some feedback on values as I'm really not too sure. I probably wouldn't go so far as to say rust free but definitely doesn't appear a rust bucket! 

I think I may have to write to the owner/s. I suspect they might be quite old now. I've rung bell twice and got no answer. They did contact me last time round when I did the same, enclosing a photograph of my black 1981 1600cc. I may just have to hope I hear something and it may not even be right away. I suspect there's a chance a well worded letter might be better than cold calling. I'd just put it simply that they would be looking at a fairly involved costly restoration which I suspect they would accept realising now that the car has sat for a very long time. 

I feel enthusiastic enough to get a deal done and take transport the car home for thorough inspection but if I decided not to bother I'd like to get my money back ok. To a great extent it'd be just as good going to someone else to get rescued and much better than sitting rotting. 

Anyone have any example values of cars bought that may have also been sitting?


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A hand written letter is good. Shows a level of maturity, dedication and seriousness.
As to value, you've got to work that out for yourself based on condition, what its worth to you and what it would take to make the current owners part with it. Only you can judge that.


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Also if you think it needs fully restoring then either paying 2 or 4K , any difference will be pretty insignificant when it comes to the overall cost of restoring it properly. Id rather pay 4K for something that needs light restoration than 2K for a total dog.
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