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MK1 Golf - Steel Bumper Project


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I used to use the forums a while back and ago haven't been back since selling my MK1.

When I had the car I couldn't afford a set of steel bumpers, so I decided I'd have a go at making my own.

At the time I was working at an Engineers firm and I has access to some pretty cool equipment.  With the help of a friend, we purchased a secondhand set of bumpers and began laser scanning the car.  This captured the bumper profile, mounts and mounting points.

We got as far as manufacturing a few sets and they looked cool.  Id say better than the originals because we were able to follow the shape of the body more closely.

Anyway, I totally forgot about this project and I found all of the CAD files on a memory stick.  I wondered if anybody might be interested in them.  To memory I have engineering drawings for:

- Bumper brackets L/H + R/H
- Front Bumper
- Rear Bumper

Everything was designed to work with stock items such as the lights, rubbers and end caps.

Let me know.
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