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2litre Orange mk1, The 7 year saga continues, wiring help needed!


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Orange mk1, update 5/4 quarry pics

ah quality, yeh i should be able to manage that lot hopefully, heres hoping that tomorrow brings a bit more luck!!

even though ive had the odd helping hand, it would be nice to turn it over myelf! just gotta see what time dictates


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if its not running by tommorow evening i may feel the need to come over and make you get it running :mrgreen:


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firstly….ben i may have to hold you to that last post…even if you could make it over for 20 minutes id be so grateful…as well as throwing u a bit of cash…but i know how busy you are mate

just a second pair of hands as well as someone who know what they are doing should see it running.

i lengthened the black wire that i THINK went to the condenser, and put it on terminal 15, kept turning it over, i think i got all 4 cylinders firing for abotu 2 seconds but as i kept twisting the dizzy, it fell off…bit difficult to rev it on the carb, twist the dizzy and crank it over on the keys too lol

i didnt get time to check all the timing as mr national mobile windscreen came round and proceeded to tell me about his (no joke) twin 5 inch exhaust on his skyline, and his 17 inch alloys and bodykit on his diesel 306….hmm.

the red wire with a blade fuse in it is red on the d plug too, i dont know what it could have been to originally, but someone bodged it up to the coil and starter….anyway, here is where it sits on the d plug…

also, has anyone had any trouble with 4 branches clearing ARB's? dont know how to cure this…

and also, what are people using for an accelerator cable on weber carbs, im running a new cabby cable….the hole for the weber is pretty big, and the rounded end just falls out…

thanks again, hope someone can help


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if you get the dizzy set roughly then tighten it up that should get it running

just another thought how old is the fuel in the tank and did it get contaminated when the fire was put out???

i may have time tommorow eveening but i wont know until tommorow afternoon ill txt and let you know :wink:


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fuel is fresh, drained all the old crap out, new lines, new hoses, new filters etc….shud all be fine

ok mate,
speak soon


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i also got this repsonse on the E38 FORUM

I think that red wire is the main ign live feed to the coil 15 pin, check you get 12v at the coil 15 side when the ign is on, if so all is well.
If not check that red wire is live when the ign is on and off when its off, oh and stays live while the engine is cranking over. If so you need to plug it into the coil, but make sure the wire is in good condition along its length!

Could this be true, as it was attached to the coil on the 15 side.?


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quite possible id see what you have wired up first check voltages on the existing wires if no 12v then whack that badboy on there and see what happens :lol:


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i dont have anything to test the voltage with….and i dont know that im ever going to get this thing to run! will see if my mechanic mate has one, if im honest, i dont really have much faith in myself to get the whole car running and ready to MOT by thursday, what with varioius parts missing, it will take me aaaages to source it all, i know its not much holding me back, but time and money isnt on my side and i NEED a car to get to Uni, so am going to look at some rusty crates today, maybe a polo or a mk2 driver or something….

real real shame i know…but hopefully i can finish it off before xmas, if not…xmas holidays, these things cannot be rushed, im not abandoning it, im not going to sell it, im just going to postpone it i think…..unless i find some nice mk1s to pillage at the scrappy?! then it might get done. also i want this car to be perfect in my eyes before it hits the road, not something cobbled together for an MOT, cos its more than that to me, i want to have all the last bits of trim and everything else perfect so  i can show it off haha

thanks again everyone for all the support, but…its beaten me again, the little 'insert expletives here'


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That's the spirit keep up the good work.


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what bits do you need as im at martins in the morning i can see if he has them

if you want to test weather somthing has 12v but dont have a meter get a sidelight buld connect an earth wire then put the 12v side to what your going to test if it lights up then you have 12v ish


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he said that he has been offered good money for it, and will be sold as it is…so i dunno if he wud take any more bits off of it…

if you can get them though…
castle nuts off the trackrod ends, and the bolts that hold the dash on at the sides, all the other stuff i need would be off a GTI, spose ill trawl the forsale sections, cabbys being broken etc…

its not enough time to get it done, but my bro needs a new car in 6 wks, and wants to get one whilst im still about so i can haggle it dwn for him as he nos nothign about cars, so mite be looking at a mk4 polo tomorrow, he said i can use it as a runaround until he needs it, which is cool! hopefully well find something, which will hopefully give me enough time to sort out mk1 parts


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finally gota  watertight windscreen now( i hope), 3rd time lucky and all…got it fitted on a saturday night at 10.30 lol!

this is what it had left me with, due to not being fitted properly the 1st time!

thats my brand new underlay all soaked and mouldy then….lots of persil and a spinwash soon sorted it out tho…

the white stuff is mould mmm

also got a cowling from someone off here, repainted it all up, brand new rad from GSF, shiny stainless new bolts…ready to go back on.

car will finally look like a car hopefully soon, when all the panels go on!! more pics soon



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projectgolf said

 the bolts that hold the dash on at the sides

I should have as set of these knocking about, I'll let you know asap.


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Ok, so i thought id post up, due to the help thats coming in this week

see post here:

i cannot believe the generosity this has generated, and as theres very little i can do to thank people, i thought id bump this thread up and generate some interest for hopefully next sunday night's update of possibly, a running car?? maybe thats askign too much lol who knows!

just before i went to uni in September, the car has been to a garage, all the brake lines done, bled, everything else has been checked and is MOTable, all that it needs is to run with little emissions and its good for an MOT!

updates soon!
again, thanks to everyone, and a very merry xmas


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Just read through the whole thread now and was gutted to hear what happened.

Having started a project myself, I hope to have the same positive outlook as you have should things start to look daunting.
Well done on the progress so far!!!!  :y:



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Josh you got a great thread here. Could not believe my eyes when I saw the pics of your car after the fire! Good on you for carrying on!!! Can't wait to see more of your progress, and again well done on your work on the car! This ones got quite a story to her!!!!  :D

'96 1.3 Mk1 (first car) Oldschool conversion in progress

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hopefully this will be up and running on sunday  :wink:


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damn mate i dint no this was your car so sorry to see it went up in flames but very nice to see every one rallying around and helping you out mate i will pull those gromets off my car for you as soon as i get a dry day and will get them to you as soon as posible.
hope it all goes ok.

keep on dubbing


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thanks for everyone's support, will update soon!


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ok, todays progress.

heres Ben working on the golf…

and as a summary.

turns out, the leads were in the wrong order and the fuel pipes were connected the wrong way round, plus the bottom pulley needed a bit of tapping stick to make it sit straight and stop wobbling. after that she fired up, even though it does sounds like a tractor, theres no vacuums or anything like that on yet, and only had the manifold on, tis why it sounds like a diesel lol

happy to say the very least, has made my xmas and makes all the nights of working in the rain worth it..

i really want to say a huge thanks to lots of people.
Firstly Timski for repainting the car, giving me the new engine and many many parts, you're a star mate,

also to Ben for actually getting this thing to finally run, showing real good spirit and helping rally together other help

all those whove supplied me with parts over the buildup, and to those who have recently helped with all the donation offers, such as Crazyquiff, funkstar, richievr, gaz-mk1, ew, Bouchay, kenno, and probably plenty others who ive forgotten, its hard to keep track when theres so much going on

my aim is to have it done by the new year, so i can hopefully take it back to Uni with me, but its all about the money, and dont get much time in these winter days to work on it as im busy trying to earn lol!

thanks to all those whove given their time in one way or another, with positive comments and advice, im genuinely flattered by your kindness, and hope you all ahve a great Christmas.

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