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'83 Mk1 Golf Formel E


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Hi Guys!

If you haven't read my introduction already, my names Chloe, I'm 20 and from Loughborough, Leicestershire.

Last Sunday I picked up my Mk1 Golf Formel E and yesterday was the first day of many to come making a start at completely restoring the old girl!

So, I started by taking all of the junk out the car as I couldn't even see into the back! :lol: once I'd removed most of the junk, I managed to get all the seats out (this took me just under an hour as the back seats were already loose) and did so without any help, proud moment!:$ IMG_2709.JPG
Happy face after getting the seats out! :thumbs: IMG_2713.JPG
Looked much better after a bit of a clear out!

Once the inside was a little cleaner, I started on removing the bumper, grille and lights!

Getting the bumper off was an absolute nightmare!!!:banghead:  I had help loosening one bolt for this, woo!

Managed to get the grille out…after snapping it at the top, ugh.

And then the lights! Also had to get Mike help me with one little screw on the left light, I just couldn't get the silly thing out.

Once I had most of the front end out, I went to start on the back bumper…
Unfortunately, I couldn't get these bolts to budge AT ALL!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:And that was where I called it a day, those last 4 bolts almost had me in tears :lol: hopefully I can get them loose next time, ay!

I will be at UD all next weekend so won't be working on her now until the weekend after, hoping to finish stripping the car down and then start sanding some panels down - fun stuff!!

A few pretty pictures I got :wub: 


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Looks good but also looks like you've got your hands full with it
We've got a club stand at UD come over and say hello



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Welcome to the mk1 world, good luck with the build!


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Good start 😀

Keep the updates coming 😊


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Thanks everyone :) I shall definitely pop over and say hello!


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Looks like the beginnings of a long project :lol:

What's the plans for it?


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Nice bit of progress there, keep up the good work and hopefully one day Goly will be sat next to her at the shows! You got a name for her yet? All cars should be named  :thumbs:

Goly The Golf, a 1983 5dr 1.3cl having a full resto.
Cherub, a 1985 Mk2 Polo Breadvan.
1995 Rover Mini Sprite (wife's daily)


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nice looking project. good luck with it/her/him  :thumbs:



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Kedge A project that will never be finished! :lol:I want to get the shell fixed first, get all the rust and bad bits sorted and the whole thing sprayed. Other than the engine that's the most difficult (and expensive!!!) part out of the way  :).

GolyTheGolf How amazing would that be, eh?  :lol:I do have a name in mind, depending on what your reply is to my PT, haha!!

pazwaa Thank you, it's a her  ;).


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Good progress so far and I see you have encounted the curse of the rusty nuts and bolts which always seem to add lots of time to any dismantling, one tip is get some plusgas penatrating oil (wd40 is not much use for freeing rusted items) and give it a good soaking, open ending spanners will only round the bolts off so best to advoid using them, ring spanners are better or a socket set even better. When losening the rusty bolt undo a little then tighten up a little, undo a little more the tighten up a little and so on this will clean the thread out and make it easier to remove with out worry of shearing the bolt or damaging the nut.
if you get a socket set with a T bar you can also use a longer bit of metal tubing on the T bar to give you even more leverage for really stubon bolts.

keep the updates coming and sorry if I'm telling you "how to suck eggs" :thumbs:

1988 Mk1 Golf GTi Cabriolet 1.8cc DX, K-jet. Daily drive. 317,000 miles and counting
1978 Mk1 Scirocco GLS 1.6cc FR, Webber carb. Weekend toy.


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Of course not mark1gls ! Thanks for the advice  :) much appreciated!! I shall give this a go next weekend and hopefully concur the dreaded rusty bolts!!  :lol: .


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looks an awesome start so far :) love the colour, really like the darker red. Keep it up  :thumbs:

Flick r - Flickr: ErosUK's Photostream Insta g r a m - @MK1_TOBY


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Looks good. Nice n solid.

I do love that colour it's the same as my golf c 
Good luck with the resto  :)


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Wahey, another Formel E owner! Welcome to the very exclusive club  :thumbs:

'83 Formel E aka Oreo!



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Rubbadubdub & beardy I wasn't too keen on the colour at first, but you're making me want to keep it!! 

Haha, thanks m00 ;) 


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Little update!!

Managed to remove the rest of the carpets today, which was a nightmare!! Slowly starting to realise every little thing on this car will probably be a ballache..:(. Still haven't been able to remove the back bumper and lights unfortunately, maybe next timeO_o.

On the upside of things I'm currently waiting for my new door to arrive and looking out for a windscreen if anybody knows of one going cheap?? (not bothered about cracks/chips)
I desperately need to get the car sealed properly, it's kinda looking like a swamp! :o. Good 'ode English weather destroying my car as the days go on :lol:.

Hopefully the next update will be a better one with better progress to share! :thumbs:.



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This afternoon I spent another couple of hours on the Golf after work and feel as if I'm starting to get somewhere now! :lol:.

I thought I'd follow my last post up with some pictures from Sunday's work and also tonight's :$.

She wasn't looking too good this week at all after the weather seemed to have destroyed her completely the past two weeks :(. I had a car cover on her held down by 5 bricks and a wheel with a tyre on, but nope - that cover did NOT want to stay on!! :@.

It'd been bugging me like crazy all week that my car was in this state, so took advantage of the glorious weather we had this evening and really cleaned her up! Stood with a mop and bucket for 30 minutes (yes, 30 minutes!!) mopping up all the water festering in the foot-wells, much better!

I also swapped my pedal rubbers for some new ones, the old ones were looking a bit worse for wear :lol:.

…I'll just keep pretending that I never saw that rust for now.

Pretty new rubbers :wub:.

So…that's all for now! Saturday I will be removing my back bumper and maybe fitting my new door..if it ever arrives that is! I seem to have been waiting a lifetime for that thing O_o.


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Small update!

Was going to sell the car as me and my partner did a last minute move and there was no room…couldn't do it.

She's being moved on Saturday to my grandmas house until i can sort an engine for her  O_o

Anyone selling an engine?  :lol:


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What's up with the one in it?

I'll have it off you if you don't want it :P

'83 Formel E aka Oreo!

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